Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

Today, I'm writing from the Blumenthal Cancer center at CMC. It's bigger than the Infusion room at my Dr.'s office but about the same.  Norm is here too, we are both enjoying our lazy boys while we wait for our blood results to come back.  It takes an hour and half to get my blood typed and crossed, which is what they do to select my blood donor.  It will take a half an hour to determine if I need any blood products.  They gave me a nice little red bracelet with my blood number on it which is good until Monday.  I have to come back Monday, starting my three days a week routine.  

I remember when Dr. Miller told me this whole process would go on for 6-8 months and that I wouldn't be able to work, now I understand why.  No job would allow me to take off three days a week for treatment and then there's the risk of infection.  Working with children is definitely out of the question.  So I will enjoy this time since I can't imagine another time when I will be not allowed to work.  Thankfully, Eric is able to support us I can't imagine what we would do if he couldn't.  Now covering the hospital bills is another issue, our insurance is good but it doesn't cover everything.  Given that a month long hospital stay costs over $100,000, I can't imagine what we would do without insurance!

It's finally cold in Charlotte, I'm enjoying wearing warm sweaters and it's starting to feel like Christmas.  We haven't put up the tree yet but the Christmas village is up and we will have the tree up by the weekend. First, we plan on doing a super cleaning of the house so we can prep for Buster coming home.  I cannot wait until December 17th!  Of course, we still need to pick up a few things to puppy proof the house.  We've decided to keep Buster downstairs so we will be putting in some baby gates and we still need a crate and some more chew toys.

Yesterday, I had a moment when I forgot I was bald.  I received a coupon for extra bonus points if I get a haircut and color at the local Ulta store. I thought oh a haircut and color would be nice and then I remembered I have no hair!  Ha!  I still get random compliments from people about my head a nurse asked me today if she could touch it, it seems I pull off bald well.  Which is nice since it looks like I'll be bald for a little while.  My hair is definitely not growing and is still falling out a little.

Well I guess that's it for today, I hope you all have a fantastic Friday!  Love from Blumenthal!

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