Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The last day of January already?  Wow this month just flew by.  I am so thankful I am not in the hospital getting chemo right now.  It's nice to be able to stay strong and healthy.  I don't have to go to Blumenthal anymore since my counts have been consistently good.  So it feels like I have lots of freedom again.  Poor Norm is still going to Blumenthal he needed blood the other day which didn't make him very happy.  Miller says it's just hard to know how we will recover since we are all different.

I should hear from Duke this week to get the official date of when we will get the transplant started.  Hard to believe it's finally happening.  I'm going to a fertility doctor this week just to see if there is anything they can do to harvest eggs.  My only problem is I have been taking a shot which suppresses my egg production so I might not have any eggs to harvest.  It's worth a shot to at least talk to the doctor.

Next week I will go have a biopsy from Miller which he will send to Duke.  I like having him do it since I know his style.  Plus, I think he uses the same hole every time, I have a scar but just one and I've had about three biopsies.  I have to get a dentist appointment before I get my transplant, it's one of the requirements.   I guess the dentist could give me an infection if I'm not 100% healthy.

Man, Buster is wound up today.  Yesterday, he was still tired from Mom's visit and we went for a long walk.  He must have slept well last night because he will not sit still today.  Good thing we have plenty of toys, thank you Grandma! Mom sure did spoil us when she was here, it was super nice of her.

Well I don't have much else to report.  I hope you all have a fantastic day.  Love and peace from 6119.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday, January 30, 2012

Well Mom had to leave this morning, it was so nice having her here.  We had so much fun together which we always do.  It's so nice to be able to go shopping, cook together and just hang out.  Buster will be missing her, I'm sure he will look for her all day.  The funny thing is he would never sit still for her, he will sit on mine or Eric's lap but not on Mom's.  Even when he was super tired he would still find the energy to wiggle on her lap.

So I'm at Blumenthal waiting to see if I need any blood products, I don't think I will.  I'm also going to see Dr. Miller today.  I'm pretty sure they aren't going to make me have chemo this week.  I spoke to Anastasia and she doesn't think I'll need it, we are just waiting for Dr. Miller to confirm.  Yay!  It's supposed to be in the 70s all week so I would love to be home to play with Buster outdoors.

If all goes as planned I'll be starting the transplant process mid February.  I'm hoping to be healthy by the summer time.  Ideally I would like to be healthy by May so I could go to my cousins wedding but it might not happen.  We'll see, Eric is betting I'll have a speedy recovery since I've done so well so far.

I must thank my Mom for the beautiful Owl ring she gave me along, with the fabulous pandora beads.  My bracelet looks awesome now.  She also bought Buster a crate she basically spoiled us which was very nice.  It's so nice to have such an awesome relationship with my Mom she is my best friend and we are very lucky to have each other.

I guess that's it for today.  I hope life is treating you well.  Peace out from Blumenthal.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Hello everyone, sorry for not writing yesterday, Mom is in town and we spent the day having fun.  We added to our Pandora bracelets which was a lot of fun.  I even have a rhino charm now!  Mom found it online it's retired so they aren't easy to find.  We also added a bird, which I like to think of as the Peace bird, a sunshine and a porcupine.  Mom was able to finally get her Owl.  Plus, they cleaned our bracelets for us so they are shiny and beautiful now.  We've had a nice time so far except I got worn out yesterday but it was so fun to be out and about.  I haven't shopped or anything for a long time.  We went out for Thai food last night but sadly my favorite meal was not agreeing with me.  However, it was still a nice night and both Eric and Mom enjoyed their meals.

We are about ready to head up to the Fox & Hound for some French Dips.  Eric and I have been craving one for awhile so it should be good.  It's a nice day so we'll take Buster for a walk after lunch.  He sure does love his Grandma, it does help that she brought him a lot of toys which Buster loves!  He won't sit still for her but he sure does love to be near her.

Buster has learned some new tricks, he enjoys pulling the toilet paper off the roll and hiding under the bed is his favorite thing to do.  It won't be long before he won't be able to fit under there so I'm letting him have his fun.  Oh and we are very pleased that he has grown into his Sabres collar (thanks Aunt Jenn), and I finally got his tag made.  I put his full name, Buster D. Miller Pyjas on the tag.  I couldn't help myself and it is his name.  I'll have to take some new pictures so you all can see how handsome he looks with his new collar and tag.

Well that's it for now.  We are off to eat some good food.  I hope you all have a fantastic day.  Much love from 6119.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday, January 28, 2012

Well yesterday I spent the day at Duke university.  I had all kinds of tests run on my heart, lungs and blood.  I found out that I might be able to start the transplant mid February which would be awesome. They found two donors and they will narrow it down based on who is the better match. Even better, according to the Duke Dr. I won't need this upcoming round of chemo.  He wants me to be strong enough to withstand the intensive chemo needed to prep for the transplant.

I found out some bad news yesterday, the transplant will make me infertile.  I am completely devastated, having a baby has been my dream and I never could have imagined that dream would be taken away from me.  I was hesitant to write about such a personal thing but I'm angry and need to get it out of my system.  It's probably the worst thing you can tell a woman is that she won't be able to have her own children.  I will never see my face or personality reflected in the face of my own child.  I know we can adopt and probably will but it still hurts to know I will never have a mini me.  Eric and I have both dreamed of a child and now our dream will have to change.

So for now I will mourn the loss of my dream.  For all of you who are blessed to have a child please appreciate the gift that you have been given.  Much love from a broken heart.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012

It's an early morning at the Pyjas home, I'm getting ready for the drive up to Duke.  Buster is on my lap and Eric is still in bed.  Eric is going to Florida today but he will be home tomorrow night.  Mom comes tomorrow which will be so fun I can't wait to have her here.  It will be nice to have her in town when I'm not really sick.  She's already told me she has lots of presents for Buster so I'm sure he'll be happy to have her visit.  

I'm excited to go to Duke, I think it will provide a lot of answers which is nice and it gets the ball rolling.  Hopefully, it won't be long until I get my transplant.  I would love to be done and through recovery by the summer.  Ideally I would like to be healthy by May 12 so I can go to my cousins wedding in Austin, TX.  

Well not much to report just thought I would get the blog done early since I'll be gone most the day at Duke. Poor Buster is going to spend some time alone today but I know he can handle it.  Plus, he's lucky to have me home so much.   

I hope you are all doing well and having a great week.  Much love from 6119.  

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Gosh, it's hard to believe the end of the month is almost here.  Next week I'll go in the hospital to finish out the month.  Today I am home, I didn't need any blood products today and my white blood count is at 4.7 which means I'm no longer nutrapenic, yay!  This is great cause tomorrow I am going to Duke to have a physical.  I got a call from them yesterday telling me they have a donor for me and they wanted to see if I could come for a visit this week.  So tomorrow at 10:30 I will have my heart and lungs tested and will give blood for lab work.  This is good because it means we are getting this thing started.  I wonder who my donor is or whether they are male or female.  I probably won't get to know much, they make you wait a year before you can directly communicate with the donor.

Eric is leaving for Florida tomorrow, just a two day trip, he and Mom will both get in on Friday.  So I'll go to Duke alone.  Luckily, Eric doesn't leave til the afternoon so he can watch Buster and I'll get home in the afternoon to take over.  I'm looking forward to the weekend especially since Mom will be here, I'll have a nice visit before going back to chemo.  Maybe this will be my last round of chemo before the transplant.  I'll find out soon.

My hair is growing back, people have noticed at the cancer center.  I look like GI Jane with my buzz cut, at least it's low maintenance.  I think I'll loose it again with the intensive chemo I'll need to prep for the bone marrow transplant.  Eventually though it should start to come back but it doesn't seem to have a different texture just my same old fine black hair.  Oh well at least I'll have hair again.

Well that's it for today, I hope you all have a great day and feel very loved and thankful for life.  Much love from 6119.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Happy Tuesday everyone.  I'm having a great day so far nothing to exciting to report I just woke up in a good mood.  Buster is a rambunctious little dog this morning and he keeps trying to bite my toes so I had to put him in his kennel for a little peace.  It's always the mornings when he is craziest, I'll have to get him out for a walk soon.  Still raining and gloomy it's supposed to be this way all week.  I wish the rain would go away, I would like to send it to Kansas as I hear they need some moisture.

Nothing to newsy to report, I will go in to the hospital Monday for my next round of chemo, only one more round after that until they can't do chemo anymore.  My Mom comes to visit Friday, I'm looking forward to that, she's super excited to meet Buster.  I haven't heard anymore from Duke, I tried calling yesterday but my nurse is out of the office until the end of the month.  Here we go again with the trouble getting a hold of somebody.  I guess I just have the worst timing every time I call.

I'm still amazed by the amusement my phone brings to me and Eric, I think he plays with it as much as I do.  People have been telling him to get an ipad since he likes the iphone so much.  I can only imagine if he got an ipad, that would be the end of our conversations probably.

Well that's it for today, I hope you all have a great day!  Peace out from 6119.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012

Oh happy day, I didn't need any blood products today!  My white blood count is at 3.7, it needs to be at 4 or higher to be normal and free to venture out.  It's such a relief knowing I can have my day back.  I know Buster is happy to have me home too.  This means we can go for a walk, even though it's gloomy and rainy.  It's just misting so hopefully we'll find a break in the weather.  For now I will enjoy my coffee and everything bagel with cream cheese.

I've been making necklaces again, it's fun and I still have plenty of beads except I ran out of string.  I made some cool beads out of magazine pages, they turned out really cool.  Eric isn't too sure about them but I think they look good plus it's recycled goods.  I've been working on my owls for the Owl Project, I have about twenty some cards I just have to color in the backgrounds.  I'm amazed by how well they are turning out.  Who knew I could draw owls?

So my Mom comes to visit at the end of this week.  I can't wait we are going to have a blast.  It will be my last hurrah before going back to the hospital for more chemo.  The months go by so quick when you are dreading the monthly chemo session.  This time I'll go in Monday through Saturday which will be better than spending a weekend in the hospital.  Plus, I'll get more Miller time since he doesn't always work weekends.

Well Buster is running around the kitchen like a mad dog, he slides on the hard wood floors which is super cute.  I hope you all have a great start to the work week.  Much love from 6119.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sorry for the lack of blog yesterday, I just wasn't feeling like blogging.  I took the day off but now I'm back.  I'm proud to say that I think Buster is potty trained, he has a signal, he sits by the door and looks at you when he needs to go out and so far it's working.  Soon we are going to start letting him out in the rest of the house, we'll see how it works.  Lets all pray for no accidents on the carpet.

Eric and I are both obsessed with my iphone.  We play this piano game called Smule, it's quite fun you basically play the piano with your fingers.  Eric finally admitted it's a cool phone, which makes me smile.  I do have to say it is a damn fine phone.  Lot's of fun gadgets to make life more fun.  Not to mention the music, which I play in my car or when I go for a walk I just use it like an ipod.  Now I get to have a soundtrack to life.  Plus, I downloaded the iheart radio app and I can now listen to KTCL and other fine radio stations all across the world.  Add Pandora to the list and I'll never be short on music again.

A few days ago was the anniversary of loosing my Grandpa, Don Louis, who was very dear to me.  My Grandpa and I are were super close and he was a man I loved very much and greatly admired.  I miss him and wish he was till here but know he's with us always.  He went through cancer too so I know he's looking down on me from heaven with love and support.  I just wanted to mention him because he meant so much to me and so many people.  

Well that's it for today.  It's a cold and gloomy day but at least the rain has stopped for now.  Hopefully we will get out for a walk soon.  I hope you all had a fantastic weekend and enjoy this Sunday with those you love.  Much love from 6119.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

Happy Friday, I am in love with my iPhone!  It is so stinking cute, I got a bright colorful cover and I've been playing words with friends and angry birds all day.  Plus, I already put music on it and it works in my car beautifully.  I'm a happy camper and Eric is so awesome to get me the phone!  I keep thanking him non stop. I can't wait to put even more music on and find more apps.  I can finally appreciate the phrase, There's an app for that!

Eric seems to be a little better just run down so hopefully this cold has left.  I'm at Blumenthal and left before he got up so hopefully he is feeling better today.  Hopefully we can hang out again it's weird keeping a distance in our own home.  I'm waiting to find out if I need any blood and I found a fancy chair that has a heater!  It's pretty fancy, my back and butt feel toasty.  Just what I needed since it's still cold outside.  I was hoping we would have our warm weather back but it doesn't look like it will get warmer than mid 50s today.

I'm glad it's almost the weekend although we don't have anything exciting planned but weekends are nice even when you have nothing to do.  I'll probably be playing with my phone and perhaps I'll start painting.  I have two unfinished paintings to work on.  Plus, my Owl project is coming together nicely, just a few more owls to make before I can start painting the back ground.

Well that's it for today, I hope you all have a beautiful day!  Peace out from the Infusion room!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Happy Thursday to all of you, the weekend is almost here!  Today is the day that I get to go get my iphone!  Eric has been teasing me all week so today's the day.  I'm feeling pretty good too so it should be fine.  I'm going to march into the sprint store with my mask on and pick out my iphone!

Eric is sick which is a bummer because we have to stay away from each other.  He is going to lay low and hopefully kick this cold soon.  All I know is I can't get sick so we have to be careful.

Not much else to report, it will be a short blog today because I want to head out to the store.  Then I'll spend the day adding music to my phone.  So super excited.

I hope your day goes by well and quickly.  Peace out from 6119.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hello everyone, I want to say thanks to all of you who still read the blog every day.  It's kind of cool to know that you follow my days, it makes me feel closer to you and it's easy to keep every one updated.  I'm feeling a little better today, I will say this recovery has been harder than the last time.  I guess it's to be expected since the more chemo you get the harder it is for your body to recover.  I had a rough night again major night sweats.  I was fine the first part of the night because I didn't sleep with the comforter but I always cave, I like to be bundled up.  But then I wake up soaking in sweat and it sucks.  Plus, I go to the bathroom about three times a night now.  Poor Eric and Buster I'm sure they wake up every time I do.

I'm super excited because I had the chance to catch up with my best friend Melanie and she is going to come for a visit in February!  Yippie, she hasn't been to Charlotte and Eric and I are both happy to have her visit.  Plus, she gets to meet Buster who I know she'll love.  Plus, my mom is coming at the end of this month.  That will be fun, both trips will be planned for the end of my recovery so we can go out and do stuff.  Perhaps, my girl Jaidee can come out for a visit too and then I would really be spoiled.

So three times yesterday my phone decided to turn off and reboot.  I'm so over this phone and am dying for the iphone.  Jaidee says the Samsung galaxy is pretty cool but I already use itunes and think it would be easier to transition to something I already use.  Eric keeps telling me I can get one but not until I'm not nutrapenic anymore. Yesterday, I tried to convince him that I needed to go run some errands and he was like um no because you are nutrapenic.  At least he's taking care of me and watching out for me.

I'm a pretty lucky girl, I'm married to my best friend, I have the best dog and I don't have to work which is nice.  Although fighting cancer is a job in itself, I mean I spend three days a week at the hospital not counting the monthly chemo visits.  I've been trying to convince Eric that I shouldn't go back to work in general.  He does not agree with me and says he would rather be the stay at home parent, should we be blessed with a child.  It's weird to think before all this happened that all I could think about was having a child and now I have to focus on getting well before we can even try again.

One of my close friends from Baylor is pregnant, I'm so happy for her.  She's part of my group of girls we call ourselves "The Core" cause we are the core group of a big group of friends.  So we will finally have the first Core offspring.  It's a girl which is perfect because Melissa is the most glamorous girl and she will have the best dressed baby. She also owns a very cool boutique so she always has the latest fashions.

Well that's it for today, I hope you all enjoy my random ramblings.  Much love from the Infusion room.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tuesday, January 17, 2011

Yesterday, was a long day at Blumenthal, I got there at 8:30 and left at 6:00.  I was really low on blood, my platelets were at 2 which is really low so I ended up getting two bags of blood and two bags of platelets.  Unfortunately, there was a problem at the lab so they weren't able to start my blood as early as usual.  Then last night I felt so drained, usually blood makes you feel good but all I wanted to do was sleep.  I went to bed at 9:00 but didn't sleep well.  My teeth and bones are hurting and I had horrible night sweats again.  When I woke up this morning I had blood plastered all over my teeth.  My gums and lips had been bleeding during the night.  I called the doctor to make sure I didn't need to go back for more platelet's today, he said I should be fine as long as I don't bleed anymore.  So far so good, if I start to bleed then I'll call Anastasia, my nurse.

This recovery seems a little harder, I feel sick and tired and I have weird blood blisters showing up on my body they actually look like bruises but there is definitely blood there.  Sorry to share all my problems but hey, that's what the blog is for.  I'm feeling a little better now and I'm happy because my comfy clothes ordered from Victoria Secret arrived yesterday.  They have the best sweats and leggings ever, plus I wear their little camis because they hold my hickman ports up.  I have always wanted this one particular sweatsuit coat in winter white.  I used to have a gray one but somehow I lost it, I feel like it is at Bright Horizon's but oh well.  So finally the white sweater was available and on sale!  I'm wearing it now and loving it, add my new leggings and cami and I'm all set.  I told Eric these clothes were for my recovery since I'll be doing a lot of lounging.  Plus, everything I bought was on sale and I had a coupon for free shipping.  Now, if I only had an iphone I would be all set for this transplant.

I haven't heard anything from Duke but they warned me it would take six weeks to find my donor, I'll check in with them soon just to find out when my next appointment will be.  I have an appointment with Miller on Wednesday so I'll see what he thinks I should do.  Man my legs and teeth hurt, it's very annoying and advil just doesn't do the trick.

Buster is being a great boy today, he's already went to the door to show me he needed to go out.  Then he pooped and peed!  I'm so glad he is finally getting this whole potty training thing.  It's a bit nicer out today so I let him hang out for awhile, he found a pine cone which he would pick up and then drop it and bat it down the hill.  He sure loves pine cones and he looks pretty cute carrying them around in his mouth.  If I start to feel better today, we'll get in a walk.  Maybe it would be good to work out my legs a little.

Well that's all for today.  I hope you all have a fabulous Tuesday.  Love from 6119.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012

I'm in the infusion room at Blumenthal, sorry for the lack of blog yesterday.  I literally slept all day, I'm betting I'm going to need some blood today.  I felt so tired all day yesterday, but I did manage enough strength to take Buster on a walk.  Thank goodness because he had a lot of energy yesterday and he didn't get a walk the last two days.  Well that's it for the Buster talk, I promise not to use the blog only to talk about Buster.  Even if he's the best dog ever!

It's another cold day in Charlotte, good thing I have a beautiful coat and so many hats to choose from.  My hair is growing back, I have like a buzz cut.  I can't wait until it gets a little longer, hopefully it will grow into a cute pixie cut.  For some reason, I believe the doctor said this type of chemo tends to make your hair grow.  Now if only my eye lashes would grow, they aren't completely gone they are just noticeably thinner and they look funny with mascara on.

I'm getting a new phone soon, I'm pretty sure it's going to be an iphone.  Right now the battery on my phone is toast, although it's really Eric's battery I gave him mine since he has to talk on the phone for work.  I finally have a phone credit available and I've done a lot of research and it's time I got an iphone.  I will use it for music too so I want to get the one with the most memory, within reason.  Eric says I have to wait until I'm not nutrapenic, since I technically I can't go to the Sprint store anyway.  So that will be about a week, I think he is enjoying making me wait for it even though he knows I want one so bad.  Especially since my phone stops working and reboots randomly.  It's always when I'm trying to do something with the phone.  I can't wait until I can use it to video chat with my friends.  I miss my girls in Texas and I'm pretty sure most of them have an iphone now, this way we can have a happy hour together.  I opened up some nice wine over the weekend.  I think it added to my tiredness but it was nice, it's from Kunde where Eric and I went in Napa Valley.  I think it's called Big Bob's Red wine, it has a picture of a guy with a cowboy hat on it and boy is it tasty.

Man I'm so tired, I hate this initial visit to Blumenthal because it takes so long.  First, they have to type and cross my blood and then they have to decide if I need blood at all.  It takes about an hour to do that and then about 6 hours to receive blood.  Luckily, they moved my appointment to 8:30 from 10:00, I didn't want to start the day so late knowing I would be here for more than a few hours.  I don't see my buddy Norm so I'm worried he was stuck with the 10am start time.  

Well that's it for today, I hope you all have a fantastic day.  Much love from the Blumenthal Infusion Room.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Well our Friday the 13th was pretty normal, no news to report.  Buster's vet visit went well, he weighs 13 lbs and the vet said he is going to be a big dog.  Of course, the vet thought he was beautiful and everyone loved him, he was a good dog too, no biting or barking.  After getting his shots he was tired all day, the vet said it would be like a mini vacation for us and it was.  Buster slept all day and we got things done.  The vet told us we weren't feeding Buster enough, so we increased his food size but he got sick overnight.  The poor guy ate all of it that he could but I vacuumed the rest up this morning.  I wonder why he got sick and am surprised that neither of us heard him in the middle of the night.

It's another cold day again, we just came home from our weekly visit to Dunkin Donuts and I just finished my glazed donut.  We don't have much on the schedule today.  I plan on finishing my painting, I've been retouching "Flowers" finally adding in the light and dark colors.  I want to buy lots of canvas because I'm in the mood to paint a lot.  I want to be able to go from one project to the next easily.  I've got a plan for two more paintings one with owl's and one with churches.  Plus, I just got a new paint color, magenta so I used it on the flowers that I didn't like it, now they look good.

My Mom has booked a trip to come for a visit.  She is coming at the end of this month so that we can enjoy some time together before I get sick.  It will be right before my next round of chemo so I will be at my strongest and really be able to go out and do stuff.  I'm sure we will go shopping, we love shopping together, it's an art form which both my Grandma and my Mom have been teaching me my whole life.  It will be so much fun, I'm looking forward to her trip.  Buster will love it too, he loves meeting new people and I'm sure his Grandma will love on him just as much as I do.

Well Buster is getting himself in trouble as I type so I better sign off.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, I know we will!  Much love from 6119.


Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy Friday the thirteenth!  I love Friday the 13th, it's like a holiday for me, 13 is my lucky number and who doesn't love Fridays?  Besides I tend to have relatively good days on the supposed unlucky day. Let's hope this year doesn't prove me wrong.  Eric is at the vet with Buster.  Hopefully, it's going well, I expect them home soon.  Eric got home around 9:30 last night, Buster and I were equally excited to see him.  It was great to watch Buster's reaction, and he's been following Daddy's every move all morning.

It's super cold out with a winter wind whipping through.  Eric wanted me to take Buster for a walk before the vet but I said no way, it's too cold for that.  I hope it warms up soon because I do want to take Buster for his daily walk.  Eric was teasing me because the blog is so centered around Buster.  I can't help it, I spend all day with him and I'm an obnoxious puppy mom.  I apologize to all of you if I tend to talk a little too much about Buster.  I'll work on it but he's the most important thing in my life right now besides my health.  Plus, he's just so darn cute and amusing, I can't help that he provides such good blog material.

There's not much else to report today, just a quiet Friday at the Pyjas household.  I hope you all have a fabulous Friday the 13th!  Peace out from 6119.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thursday, January 12, 2012

It's Thursday, that means Eric will be home tonight!  Yay, Buster and I both miss him and look forward to having the whole family together again.  Buster and I just went for a walk and now he's passed out which is the planned result so that I can finally take down the Christmas decorations.  It's a nice sunny day so we were able to go for an early walk.  We walked to the lake and we sat down to chill out for a bit before taking the long way home.   I took lots of photos because I'm obsessed with my dog. I hope you enjoy them since I'll be posting them here and probably on facebook as well.

I've already got the Christmas village taken down, now, I'll turn my focus to the tree.  It's kind of nice having Buster asleep, I can get a lot of stuff done.  Yesterday, it rained all day and I was pretty tired, I didn't do to much because I just didn't have the energy that I do today.  I've been working on a new art project so that's keeping me busy.  I'm making an Owl Project similar to the Bird Project.  I've already drawn most of the owls, I just need to color them in, which is the fun part.  Speaking of owls, I am posting a picture of me wearing mt owl hat, this is for you Grandma.  My step mom Carole gave this one to me, it's super warm and cute.  Thankfully, Buster is not too embarrassed to walk with me when I wear this hat.

So in health news I've been dealing with the side effects of chemo.  I'm loosing my eyelashes which sucks.  Luckily, my friend Jaidee thought of this and already sent me a couple of pairs of fake lashes, I was hoping I wouldn't have to use them.  I'm also dealing with horrible night sweats, which is bad for my dressing since it is not supposed to get wet.  I literally wake up soaked in sweat, which causes a catch 22 because you are instantly cold once the air hits your wet skin so you want to cover up but that increases the sweating....oh the joys of chemo.  But I guess if these are the only side effects I will deal with, then I'm lucky.

Well that's it for me today.  I better get back on task, I want to give Eric a clean house to come home too. I hope you all have a great day.  Love from 6119.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It's a rainy day in Charlotte, hopefully it won't be like this all day.  Buster just pooped in the kitchen, the first time he's done this in a while.  Luckily, I was near by to clean it up before he tried to eat it!  My oh my did it stink, I used two pairs of nurses gloves to pick that crap up.  Anyway, I apologize for sharing such a thing but I had to get it off my chest, the down side of puppy parenthood.  I know it's not his fault when he's just a puppy but he's been doing so well it's disappointing to see this behavior.

I found a puppy daycare that cost $20 a day, I don't think that's too bad for a day of fun for Buster.  Least it's not charged hourly, I guess.  I'm not sure what the going rate for doggy day care is, I know baby day care is very expensive so maybe $20 isn't that bad.  The place is near by and he would get to play with other dogs, it looks pretty nice and they have a vet on staff if needed.  Buster has a vet appointment this Friday so once he's had that I think we'll try the day care route.

We ended up being able to take a walk to the lake yesterday.  It was good and I think it wore him out a little bit.  He got to play with two boys while we were there, they said his stripes looked like a tiger, I agree they do.  Anyway, enough about Buster, I'm such a crazy pet mom, I take pictures of him constantly.  I wonder what I'll be like when I do have a baby some day!

Well not much else to report, I hope this day finds you all happy and healthy.  Much love from 6119.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tuesday, January 10, 2011

It's a beautiful day in Charlotte, too bad Eric had to leave but I know he will enjoy the warm temperatures of Costa Rica.  It's going to be a nice day in the 60's, I'm thinking if I bundle up, Buster and I can go for a walk this afternoon.  Buster's had a good morning so far, we woke up early to see Daddy off to the airport but we went back to sleep for about an hour.  Now he's playing with his toys, we just came inside so he's a little wound up.  I'm hoping he'll crash for a little bit so I can take care of some household chores.  My plan is to wear him out as much as possible. Thankfully, my neighbor Joyce has offered to walk him every night for me.  Joyce loves Buster and he feels the same way about her.  Sometimes Joyce brings her dog Charlie along which is great for Buster to socialize.

Speaking of socializing, I am going to look up a Doggy Day Care today, I think it will be good for Buster and it will definitely be good for us.  I think he would have fun and again it would be good for him to get used to other dogs and more people.  Both my Mom and Aunt Cynthia recommended the day care and I think it's a great idea!

By the way, I'm so proud of Buster right now because he's playing with his toys while I write this in the next room.  Hopefully he hasn't left me any unwanted presents.  He's been running around our island in the kitchen on the hard wood floors, sometimes his paws slip out from under him and he slides which is adorable.  I can't believe how adorable Buster is in general, he has the most beautiful markings, his stripes look like a Tiger.  Plus, he has the cutest butt, it's literally split down the middle one side is black and the other is tan. Sometimes we call him Black and Tan.  Anyway, I'll stop gushing on and on about Buster, well at least for today's blog.

In health news, I will be having my first call with my nurse case manager through our insurance.  By the way, thank you Epson, for having such good health care insurance.  It's pretty cool, I'll have a nurse that works with me while I go through the transplant and the rest of my chemotherapy.  She'll even know how to help me with the medical bills which is awesome, they've been pouring in and they aren't pretty.  Plus, my home nurse is coming today.  It's nice to have her to check on me while Eric is gone, she and Joyce are both around if I need anything.

Well that's it for today, a nice long blog.  I hope everyone is having a fabulous Tuesday, remember to do something good for yourself today and for someone you love.  Peace out from 6119.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday, January 9, 2011

Jail Break!  I'm free and so happy to be home.  I've spent the last two hours loving on Buster, he was so happy to see me.  He has grown he looks like a boy, instead of a baby, if that makes any sense to all of you.  It took longer this time to get released because I had to go to Dr. Miller's office to get three shots, two to make sure I can have babies one day and one to make my blood count bounce back.  We got home around 12:00 and I've been enjoying Buster ever since.  Eric has done an excellent job with him because he listens now!  I'll have to make sure to keep up the good work while he is gone.  Eric is off to Costa Rica tomorrow so it will be just me and Buster for a few days.  The neighbor is going to help walk Buster and keep an eye on me plus, I have my home nurse if I need her.

Nothing else to report, I haven't been sick today which is awesome because I got sick last night.  I swear there is something about being home that makes you feel better in general.  Now I'm hoping Buster and I can take a nap together.  There's nothing else to report.  I hope this day finds you all well and happy.  Peace out from 6119!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday, January 8, 2012

It's my last day of chemo, thank goodness, I'm ready for this round to be over.  Hopefully, by this time tomorrow I'll be home or at least on my way.  I'm a little nervous though because Eric has to travel Tuesday through Thursday night, it will be my turn to handle Buster all on my own.  It's not ideal since I'll be weak and nutrapenic from the chemo but life isn't always perfect.  I know I'll be fine and I'll let the neighbor know in case I need help.

Yesterday, I only puked once but I had no appetite the rest of the day.  Oh well maybe this will help me loose the extra pounds I put on from the holidays.  I'm feeling good today but usually I fell worse the day after chemo but I would rather feel worse at home than in the hospital.  Other than that I have nothing else to report.  I hope you all are having a great weekend and enjoy this Sunday.

Much love from room 4921.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Today is a much better day, I've got my positive energy back and I've been able to keep my breakfast down! Oh happy day, it's the little things that make it easier in the big picture.  Plus, I finally heard back from Duke and they have found six possible donors for me!  It will take around six weeks to set up an official donor, since some people may change their mind or not be able to donate due to medical conditions.  The next step for me will be another appointment at Duke where they do full physical and help us set up our living arrangements.

I'm due for another round of consolidation chemo in four weeks, my Duke doctors will work with Dr. Miller to decide if I have the consolidation chemo or if I go straight into the intensive chemo that I will need to prep for the transplant.  Eric and I are a little nervous about skipping the consolidation chemo since it's so dangerous for me to relapse, but I'm sure the doctors will make the right decision.

Now I just have to make it through two more rounds of chemo so I can get home to Eric and Buster.  Eric has been putting me on speaker phone so I can talk to Buster, it's really cute because he'll bark and try to get the phone.  It makes me laugh and feel good that he knows my voice.

Well that's it for today, thanks for all your support, good wishes and prayers.  Much love from room 4921.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday, January 6, 2011

Well today is starting off better than yesterday.  I've had breakfast and managed to keep it down.  My chemo is started and Dr.  Miller is going to give me more nausea drugs this time, we'll see if it works.  Still no word from Duke, I'm getting a little frustrated.  I did ask Dr. Miller and his nurse, Anastasia, if it is normal for it to take so long and they said it was.  Anastasia said she would call the nurse at Duke and see if there was anything she can find out for me.

I asked Dr. Miller if there was some reason why I got so sick yesterday, he said the way I react to each chemo treatment is different.  I've been lucky so far so I guess it's my time to have some difficulties.  It's amazing how tired you can get from Chemo, I slept all day yesterday and last night yet I'm still tired!  The nurses tell me that means the chemo is working and that sleep is good.

So with that, I'm signing off to take a little nap.  Much love from room 4921.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thursday, January , 2011

Today has been a rough day, I've puked about four times and haven't been able to eat anything at all.  I guess the chemo is hitting me harder this time.  It sucks because all I want to do is be at home, but I can't be.  poor Eric is having to juggle work and Buster.  Buster is acting up because he's not used to being alone, I have spoiled him and poor Eric is dealing with his attitude.  I can only hope Buster will get used to the idea of being alone sooner rather than later.

So please pray for Eric, Buster and for my nausea, we need some help.  It might have been a bad idea to get a new puppy during this time but he makes my heart so happy and I know he does the same for Eric.  He's just a big responsibility.  I know in time it will all work out it's just frustrating hearing Eric stressed knowing I can't do anything to help.

Sorry for the downer blog, it's hard to stay optimistic all the time.  Going back to sleep now, signing off from room 4921.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wednesday, January 4, 2011

I'm sitting in the Infusion Room, getting ready to start my chemo.  I was late thanks to crazy traffic but I'm here now.   Although they still haven't started my chemo which sucks because it delays the whole process, but I guess that's my own fault. The nurse was nice enough to bring me a Dr. Pepper and some snacks, I usually hit up Starbucks but my late arrival made my trip impossible.  Once my chemo is done I'll go back home and soak up my Buster time, I'm gonna miss him so much.  I miss him when I'm away from him for an hour or so, how am I going to handle five days without my little buddy?  I know he's gonna miss me too, I slept with a wash cloth last night so it would smell like me and I put it in his cage, this way he'll have something to snuggle when I'm away.  It will be so nice to be reunited, he'll be so excited which will be nice.

It's really cold here in Charlotte, in the twenties this morning and a high of only 40 degrees.  Thank goodness I have my beautiful new coat, scarf and hat to keep me warm, thanks Mom & Grandma!  I heard from Duke, they think there should be no trouble in trying to find a donor for me.  I am expecting a call back from the Dr. to explain the next steps.  We think the actual search shouldn't take that long, one nurse said it only takes like 10 minutes so Eric and I are wondering why they don't just call and say we have a donor for you.  We'll see what happens, hopefully we can get the transplant started so I can begin the recovery process so I can move on.

Yesterday, I saw The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, it was good.  There were a few differences in the American version and the most obvious difference was all the actors were more attractive which made the movie easy on the eyes.    I definitely liked the movie it was long and I was definitely tired afterwards when I had to go to my appointment with Dr. Miller.  I'm not sure why I even had the appointment since I'm here this morning but I guess it's standard procedure.

Once I got home from my long day, I was pleased to watch the Sabres kick Edmonton's ass.  I was getting tired of watching them lose!  I snuggled a lot with Buster and called it an early night. I tried to savor every bit of sleep in my bed, the hospital beds suck and there's nothing quite like sleeping in your own bed.  Well there's not much else to say, I hope you all have a fabulous day!

Peace out from the Infusion Room.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Well it's back to work for most of you, Eric is hard at work while I type this blog.  I'll go back to chemo tomorrow, that's my job.  As Dr. Miller said, my job for the next six months is to eat bon bons.  I'm not really a bon bon fan so I'll eat twizzlers instead.  I'm trying not to think about the fact that I'll have to spend the next five days without my Buster baby.  It's gonna kill me, I don't know how I'm going to handle it when I go for the transplant.  I won't think about that until I have to.

Today is a busy day, I'm pretty sure I have a Dr. appointment, of course, I don't know what time.  I want to go see The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo today and I need to do some grocery shopping.  It's cold here today, I'll take Buster for a walk but not until the sun comes out.  We've been so spoiled by the warm weather, I shouldn't complain about a few cold days but I will.

There's not much else to say this morning.  Just a regular old Tuesday.  I do have to say that I'm very thankful for my life.  I look at my husband and think how did I get to be so lucky.  I married my best friend and we have a good life together with our sweet Buster boy.  Cancer or not life is good and I am blessed.

I hope you all have a beautiful day and are thankful for your loved ones.  Love and peace from 6119.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Monday, January 2, 2012

Today, Eric took me out for breakfast at Cracker Barrel, I had cinnamon swirl pancakes, they were delicious but it was like eating dessert for breakfast.  We attempted to take a walk when we got home but it was too cold, Buster was whining, so we cut our walk short.  By the way, it's sad that too cold is in the 40s, we are so accustomed to the warm weather.  It's Eric's last day off from work, it always goes by so fast.  We enjoyed his time off and wish it could last longer.

Buster has won over the neighbors.  Since meeting my neighbor Joyce on a walk, she's been wanting to see Buster.  So I took him out to show him off, everyone loves him.  Our next door neighbors Steve & Nancy thought he was adorable with nice markings.  Joyce's family thought he was great, very cute.  Buster just sat there and wiggled while eating up the attention.  

Now I'm enjoying a fountain Dr. Pepper and wondering what to do next.  We were planning on seeing The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo but once Eric found out how long it is, over two hours, he bailed on the plan.  Going out to breakfast was the alternative which worked out.  I'll go and see the movie by myself tomorrow, which will be fine.  I'll eat candy and drink soda enjoying a movie I've already seen.

Wednesday, I'll go back for my next round of chemo, another five days in the hospital.  I hate going in but it's a necessary evil.  After I get out Eric has to go to Costa Rica for work.  It will be just me and Buster, I'm glad I have him now to keep me company when Eric is away.  Luckily, he won't be gone for long so we'll get along just fine.

Okay, so I'm posting a picture of my Bird picture.  I had fun with this one since I drew the birds individually on little cards and then glued them to the canvas.  It's different and I like it, I hope you all do too.  That's it for today, I hope this day finds you feeling happy and peaceful.  Love from 6119.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!  I am SO happy that I can finally say it is the year 2012!  I know this will be a great year for us, Eric and I both feel that way.  We had a nice morning today, Buster slept until 8:00 then we went to Starbucks for coffee, we went for a ride which is custom for us and the rest of the day we have been lazy.  I took Buster for a walk so now he's sleeping on his bed in the kitchen.  Football is on and we are snacking on Cheez-its and pepperoni.  We've been talking in Russian accents as Boris and Natasha, it's a game we play, as Chuck & Kathy know since they joined in on the Russian fun when they were here for Thanksgiving.  We are pretty good at the Russian gig, we claim to be spies and call each other comrade, it's great fun.

Eric bought me two clips for my Pandora bracelet so now it's complete, it's perfect.  I have some stars by my owl since the owl is out at night and then I have a porcupine ball on the other side.  It makes the middle of the bracelet full.  I still have room for charms but I won't get any now until I have a special occasion.    Eric was so nice to buy them, of course they weren't cheap but he said he wanted me to have them.  He's so good to me.

I've completed another art project, I'll post pics soon.  It's my Birdy masterpiece, and I kind of like it. I hope you all enjoy the first day of this great new year, 2012!  I am so happy and hopeful for a fantastic year for us and all my loved ones.  Peace and love from 6119.