Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday, February, 29, 2012

They say it's your Birthday.....that's what the nurses keep singing to me today. They are right it is my new birthday because it's the day my body has been given a second chance to live.  It certainly wasn't an easy morning, they discovered I needed blood and platelets in the middle of the night, they found some liquid in m lungs which was making it hard for me to breathe.  It's become normal that I can't keep food down unless they give me anti-nausea medicine prior to meal time.  Which can be touch because you can't just take it all the time.  So I have now become close friends with my puke bucket and learning that my food will be limited to what they think I can have.  So far I've puked three times today and I haven't even attempted to try dinner.

However, in the good news department my actual bone marrow transplant only took 15 minutes, now all we do is watch how I react and begin treating me with immune suppression drugs to help make my two systems merge into one.  So far the biggest side effect, minus the puking, will be fatigue.   That's why they push so hard for at least one mile walk a day, for now my days of rocking out two miles a day are over but I think I'll get back up there again.  Slowly but surely.  The last three days have been the hardest for me, yet I still pulled a mile a day each day, which makes me feel good.

Well I think I've given enough time for my nausea medicine to kick in so I'm going to attempt dinner.  Thanks for your patience with the inconsistent blog times. Right now I'm at the mercy of my stomach and fatigue.  Thanks for all the love and continued support, I feel your prayer chains working over time and it brings me peace.  Much love from 9215

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Well I'm back to the living again, thank you Eric for keeping the blog going for me.  Yesterday, was like a long dream. I slept almost all day but I did have some catching up to do from the night before.  Today is my last round of the clinical chemo, the worst part about it is being tied to my bed since they take my vitals every fifteen minutes until we eventually reach the every hour time frame.  Thankfully, I already got my mile walk in and took a shower before they hooked me up.  Once I'm done with the blog I'll give in to the effects of the benadryl and take a little nap.

Before I dose off, I would like for you to ask to through some prayer's and support to my Father and Uncle today as they are laying their father to rest today.  Funerals can be hard but they also provide a good sense of comfort for all who are grieving.  I'm there in spirit and I know my Grandpa is very proud to see his family standing together to send him off to heaven.

As always, thank you for all the continued love and support, it really makes a difference so thank you.  Much love from 9215.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday February 27th, 2012

Hi Everyone, Eric is back to posting for Jenn... as she isn't feeling very good at all today.

Jenn started her clinical trial chemo yesterday and beteween that and the other chemo she was already on, she is really not feeling to good at all.  Jenn had a rough day yesterday with both vomiting and well for lack of a better term craping excessively.  The chemo seems to have set in and the nursing staff even had to pull her off of the clinical chemo since she was getting bad headaches and vomiting.  She really is trying to stay in good spirits, but she was all tears and sadness for the first time yesterday since being here at Duke.

Now don't get too excited, the Dr's and nurses have assured me that this is normal and that the days should start to get progressively better in regards to the chemo treatments and how Jenn respondes to them.

Jenn will get weak come the middle of this week and into next week as the Dr's introduce the donors bone marrow on Wednesday.  So the chemo will stop tomorrow night and then Wednesday Jenn will start with the physical bone marrow transplant.  She is resting right now and that makes me happy since she didn't get much rest at all yesterday.

I wish I had something fun to write about, but this is part of the process that gets Jenn back to normal and living life like she used to before this all started.  She is a trooper and will be just fine, but please keep her in your thoughts and prayers as this next two weeks is going to be the toughest part of this journey for Jenn.

The nurses and doctors here are top notch and she even has her own dedicated nurse this past two days that is only taking care of Jenn... So that makes me feel a lot better and should make everyone else feel a lot better too!

Much love from Room 9215!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Hello friends, I hope this Sunday is going well for you.  I'm on my first bag of the new chemo which only takes two hours and at noon I'll start the clinical trial chemo which will run for twelve hours.  I'm the only patient for my nurse today since she has to be in my room most of the day monitoring my vital signs.  The good thing is if anything goes wrong they will know quickly.  

Last night was my first tough night as far as chemo goes, I felt nausea all night and had horrible night sweats.  I'm feeling better this morning so hopefully tonight won't be so bad.  Eric's with me now, he isn't allowed to eat in my room so we are enjoying some time together in the family room so he can enjoy a scone.  I have to wear a mask which makes it hard to drink my coffee but I don't mind, the change of environment is good.  

I've already walked my first mile of the day, it really does make me feel better.  Sometimes it's a pain because I'm always hooked up to an IV so I have to maneuver my pole around the doctors, nurses and other patients.  No matter how long it takes I'll keep trying for two miles a day, one in the morning and one at night. 

Eric was able to check our mailbox at the apartment and brought me some cheerful cards and a cool cancer bracelet called Be Brave from my cousin Colby.  It made me realize that our address on the blog is wrong.  Here is the address, we still got the other cards but this is the proper USPS address:  
215 William Penn Plaza 
Apart 302
Durham, NC 27704

Thank you Randy & Cynthia, Robyn & Mike and Joe & Lisa, the cards bring a smile to my face.  That's all for today, I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend.  Much love from 6915.  

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Saturday, February, 25, 2012

Good day friends and family, I hope your weekend is treating you well.  I had a late start today because it was so cold in my room I wouldn't get out of bed.  It's funny because I still get hot flashes from one of my medicines but I get really cold too so keeping the right temperature in the room is nearly impossible.  I just finished breakfast and once I finish the delicious Caramel Macchiato Eric brought me, I will get out to do my walking.  

Tomorrow will be busy since, I start a new type of chemo and I'm part of a clinical trial.   The nurses plan on taking my vitals almost every fifteen minutes instead of every couple of hours.  I'm happy to be part of a clinical trial though, my days as a psychology student taught me the importance of being a part of clinical trials.  It's good to feel a part of something that will help many others, my Doctor even thanked for me for agreeing to be part of so many trials.  

Eric is traveling back to Charlotte today to pick up whatever we forgot or didn't have room to squeeze into the cars on our trip down here.  It's almost three hours to Charlotte so he'll have a long day of driving.  He plans on spending most of the day with me here tomorrow.  I feel for him because just like me he's kind of isolated we both get bored very easy so passing the time without each other is hard.  It sure does make us appreciate each other's company.  

Well there's not much else to say for today, I'm feeling good and still motivated to get out of here faster than any other Bone marrow transplant patient before me!  Not sure what the record is but if I can get out of here within in 30 days, I'll be lucky.  Enjoy your weekend, much love from 9215.  

Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday, February, 24, 2012

It's Friday, hopefully you all are planning for an exciting weekend.  My weekend is going to be a hoot, living it up in the hospital!  Actually, I think spending a weekend here will be a lot easier than it was in the Charlotte hospital because they offer so much more to do for the patients.  Yesterday, Recreational Therapy brought me some paints along with a wooden box and frame to decorate.  Plus, I hear there's a  Friday happy hour cart that comes around with fruit and protein smoothies.  I also have movies to watch and sometimes volunteers wheel around a hospitality cart with goodies.  I hated the weekends in the Charlotte hospital because it was so quiet, not many people around on the weekends but I think it will be different here.

I watched The Queen last night, it was interesting since it was all about how the monarchy reacted when Princess Diana died.  I was a senior in high school and working for the yearbook when it happened so it was interesting to see how the movie portrayed the event.  It's not a movie for everyone since it's rather slow but I am glad I watched it, if only to see how wonderful Helen Mirren played the Queen, I think it earned her the title of Dame, a title well deserved.

Well there's not much to say on the medical front, still receiving chemo every six hours.  I haven't had any problems with the chemo so far, just feeling a little tired.  I haven't been able to get out and walk this morning since it's been crowded in the halls but I'll get my two miles in somehow.  Eric says 1.5 miles is just as good so I don't wear myself out too much.

That's all for today, I hope your day goes by fast so you can start enjoying the weekend!  Much love from 9215.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hello friends and family, I hope you are having an awesome day.  I'm doing well, feeling really good and I've already walked one mile today.  The doctor wants us to walk at least one mile a day so I figured I'd walk two a day in hopes of a quicker recovery time.  From what I'm hearing, next week is when I might start to feel sick so we'll see if I can keep with my two miles a day.  Right now I'm getting my sixth round of chemo, only ten more to go!  They had to increase my chemo dose because my body was metabolizing it too quickly, so maybe it will make me feel a little worse but I haven't had any problems so far.

I've heard that Buster is doing well, he has a big yard to play in now.  He is with a great family so it makes feel at ease to know he is getting lots of love and attention.  I miss him so much but know that it will be so fun when we are finally reunited.  

In closing, I want to give a huge shout out to Eric, he has been so amazing through this whole process and it's easy to forget how much this affects him too.  For three years of marriage we have been through a lot and it feels good to know how well we pull through the hard times thanks to our love and friendship.  I couldn't have asked for a better husband and I'm so thankful for the love we share.  

Well my PB&J has arrived so I'm signing off for lunch.  Peace out from 9215.

P.S.  I'm posting my last painting I did before leaving for Duke, it's for my girl Jaidee and I'm really pleased with how it came out.  I hope you like it too.  

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Happy Wednesday, the positive Jenn is back!  I apologize for the doom and gloom, I sure was a 'Debbie Downer' yesterday.  The reality of the length of this process hit me hard yesterday and I was only thinking of the bad things when there really are a lot of good things going on here.  For one, Duke is a really nice hospital, the room may be small but it's modern and efficient.  I'm on the 9th floor, which is the top floor of the hospital, to get into our ward you have to go through 3 sets of automatic doors that do not open until the previous door is shut, I'm not allowed to go past the first set of doors.

There are only 16 beds in the unit so my nurses only have 2 patients, 3 at the most.  I have a u shaped hallway that the Doctors want me to use to walk at least a mile a day (14 laps) and they have a small work out room with a stationary bike, weights and a Wii!    Plus, they even have a galley where I can get my own water, drinks and snacks.  Which is nice because as most of you know I'm a huge water drinker and snack eater.  So far the hospital food has been a little nicer than it was in Charlotte, they have a larger menu and will still get me pizza if I don't like the menu choices.  Although, the nurses tell me I'll still get sick of it no matter how good it seems.

There's a quilt on the wall here made up of letters from patients to the nurses, one of them says, "The more I believe in Angels, the more I see everyday."  I like that quote and it's so true the people in your lives can touch you just like an Angel, thanks to God's love.  I've always loved Angels, my Grandma Ochs, loved Angels too, now she is one of my Angels watching down on me from Heaven.  Now she's joined with my Grandpa so I keep adding to my crew of Angels in Heaven.

Now I'm waiting for the doctor to do their rounds, unlike Charlotte, I don't see my doctor every day, here the doctors rotate by month, so only one doctor is on rounds each month.  The doctors all work together to treat the patients.  I won't really see Dr. Horwitz until I'm checked out of here and start doing my daily trips to the Adult Bone Marrow Clinic.  That reminds me, for anyone who is wondering, I am currently at Duke's main hospital.  It's not far from the Clinic and our apartment, only four miles which is a lot better than the 30 minutes we were driving to get to the Charlotte hospital.

The last thing I will mention about the room is I now have a flat screen TV, with a build in DVD player, no more VHS tapes like Charlotte!  And they have a DVD library that I can use to check out movies which have been donated to the ward.  I have Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, The Queen and Eat, Pray, Love.  Although, I think I've already seen the Harry Potter one, there's still more on my list so at least I'll be able to pass the time with some movies.

As for the medical news, I am currently getting chemo every six hours, it last about two hours.  I haven't had any nausea yet so let's hope it stays that way.  I'll keep up the chemo regimen through the 27th, I'll have a day of rest on the 28th and receive my new marrow on the 29th.  I did find out my donor is a woman and she has a different blood type so my blood type will change from O+ to A-.  Isn't that funny?  I bet I'll forget my blood type a few times.

Well that's it for now, thanks for all the continued support and love, it really makes all the difference in keeping my spirits up.  I hope you all have a great day, try doing something nice for a stranger, it always makes me feel like a better person.  Much love from 9215.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Today's the day, I'm officially checked in to the hospital and am in my tiny room.  I know I'm supposed to stay positive but today I just feel sad.  Facing the very small room and the realization that I can't leave this space for at least thirty days is upsetting me.  I hate feeling so restricted and I hate not having any freedom.  I hate knowing that my life for the next three months is going to be ruled by Doctors and nurses and not by what I want.  Plus, being in this small room is kind of like being in a jail cell.

I don't have much else to say, my chemo doesn't start until midnight, so why I had to be here so early is beyond me but I'm learning that hospitals have a way of wasting a lot of time.  I'm sorry if my sour mood is upsetting to you but I'm not sorry for expressing myself.  It's a crappy day and I'm not going to sugar coat it for anyone.

Until tomorrow, love from room 9215.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012

Well we drove through rain, hail and snow but we finally made it to Durham.  We drove last night and I'm not joking it rained hard and turned into sleet, hail and eventually snow the whole ride.  Buster rode in the crate which was hard because I kind of wanted to have him on my lap like we usually do but it was a 2 and a half hour ride with the bad weather it was better that he wrote in his crate.  We dropped him off at his new home, I cried when I pulled into the house.  I was a complete doting mamma I kept grabbing him and kissing him, telling him I  love him.  He was so excited to meet Keiffer and his new family.  The good thing is there will always be some one home, so Buster will probably be spoiled.

I miss Buster so much, I miss hearing his collar jingle or his snoring, even his whining.  I know it's for the best but it's just hard, he's my baby.  I keep telling myself he is at camp on a vacation and that he'll be having a lot of fun.  It's only three months and when we are reunited he will only be 9 months so he'll still technically be a puppy.  We'll both have an adventure to share with each other.  Plus, the family promised to update me on Facebook with new pictures.

Our new apartment is nice, it is fully furnished with everything we might need and it's big with two bedrooms. The bed is nice and comfy which is a good thing.  I'll though I won't be using it for a month, at least two nights of good sleep is nice.  We are eating Chic-fil-a breakfast and drinking coffee.  We have our first appointment at noon with Dr. Howritz, followed by a new patient class that should last til 2:30.  Then we are done for today, then it will be my last night of freedom.

Sorry for going dark on the blog.  Honestly, it was a super busy weekend filled with fun things so I didn't have time to write the blog.  In a way it was like keeping my last weekend to myself, no offense but sometimes you need time just for yourself.

I found out my Grandpa Ochs died this weekend.  Honestly, it is a blessing as he has lived the last eight years with Alzheimer's and he has not been the man we knew for a long time.  I'm happy to know he is reunited with my Grandma in Heaven.  He was a good man and I have many fond memories of him and my Grandma.  I get my artistic gifts from my Grandma so every time I paint I think of her.  So please think of my family as they say their good byes to a loved one.

I guess that's it for today.  Tomorrow, I'll be checking into the hospital, my new digs for awhile.  Hopefully, all goes well and I'm not too sick.  We'll see how it all goes.  I hope life is treating you well.  Make sure to tell your loved ones how much you love them, you never know when they might not be there anymore.  Much love from 302.

P.S.  Here's our new address:
302 William Penn Plaza #302
Durham, NC 27704.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012

Happy Friday to you, I hope life is treating you well.  It's my last Friday of freedom, I plan on enjoying it and this whole weekend.  Sunday is D day, we drive up to our apartment in Durham and drop off Buster in Raleigh.  I'm going to cry the whole way home after we leave him.  I know he'll be happy there but I'm going to miss him like crazy.  He's my best friend, my little baby.  I love him so much and we spend so much time together it will be weird not to have him by my side.

There's not much else to report.  Eric is going to Greenville today so it will be just me and Buster which will be fun.  I hope you all have fun weekends planned.  Enjoy each day for the gift that it is.  Peace out from 6119.  

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Happy Thursday to you.  I'm wishing we could start the week over again but I haven't figured out time travel yet.  So I will continue to try and enjoy the most of every hour I have left with Buster.  He really is such a good dog, very loving and energetic.  Yesterday, it was so nice out I took him for two walks, he loved it and he was nice and tired out for the night.  It's raining today but not too cold, hopefully it won't rain all day.  I would like to get two walks in again today if at all possible.

I received my biopsy results yesterday and I'm still in remission which is a good thing considering I skipped my last round of chemo.  Plus, the insurance company finally approved of my bone marrow transplant.  I was getting a little nervous but the nurse called me last night to share the good news.

Other than that nothing else is going on.  Just trying to enjoy every minute before next week.  I hope you all are enjoying every minute of your life too.  :)  Much love from 6119.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Wednesday, I hate each day that goes by this week since it only brings me closer to being in the hospital.  I know I shouldn't dread it because it will be good to get this started and over with but I hate loosing my freedom and my puppy.  Yesterday, Buster and I took a three hour nap together in our bed.  It was so sweet he curled up and rested his head on my shoulder or neck and we just slept.  He was sick, he got sick three times so I think he needed the rest.  I was resting up from my time with Melanie.  It was so nice to have that time with him.  Now I need to get him out for a walk, it's been super cold so we haven't been in a few days.

Today, I don't have much on the agenda.  I wish there was a good movie out but I'm not really interested in any of the titles.  I've already done all my shopping so I guess I'll just hang out with Buster.  I want to paint and finish the Owl painting before Duke so I'll do that.  I'm taking my art supplies to Duke so hopefully I'll be able to paint a lot while I'm recovering.

I have to give a big Thank You to Robyn Morgan, she sent Buster a wonderful box full of old tennis balls!  He loves it, we love to play fetch, so thank you!

Well, I don't have much else to report.  I appreciate all of you who read this every day, thanks for the ongoing prayers and support.  Much love from 6119.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!  I hope you are feeling loved today.  I just got home from taking Melanie to the airport, it was a quick trip but it sure was fun.  It was so nice to have her here, we went window shopping and site seeing all around Charlotte.  Last night we had some awesome sushi followed by gourmet cup cakes.  They were delicious.

One week from today, I'll start my chemo.  We move up to Duke on Sunday, we are bummed to be leaving home and to be away from Buster.  I know he'll have a lot of fun at his temporary home and it will be easier on me since I won't be able to take care of him.  I plan on spoiling him rotten this week.

Well I don't have much else to say, I hope you all have a wonderful day.  Much love from 6119.  

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Monday!  Melanie is in town and we have decided that we will celebrate my birthday today since I'll be in the hospital for my actual birthday.  Plus, it's the 13th which is exactly one month from my b-day.  To celebrate we are going out for Sushi dinner and will go shopping at the rich mall and pretend we are rich.  It's perfect really, I'm definitely enjoying my day so far.  Except I had two cavities filled this morning.  Luckily, my dentist gives me valium and laughing gas so it really wasn't that bad.

Sorry for the lack of blog yesterday, I was too busy enjoying my time with Melanie!  I showed her all around Charlotte and today we are going to South Park, the rich mall.  We just came home from a delicious meal at The Flying Biscuit so we are happy and ready to work off some calories.

So that's it for now, I hope you are all having a good start to the work week.  Much love from 6119.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Happy Saturday to ya!  Buster and I just got back from a walk, I made it a longer route in hopes of tiring him out.  I am going to paint today and he can't be with me in the studio.  I have new canvas and I'm almost done with the Owl piece so I'm excited.

Turns out Melanie is going to come tomorrow, sadly she will leave on Tuesday but this way she can work valentine's dinner and hopefully make some good cash.  I'm so looking forward to having her here, we are going to have a blast.  Unfortunately, I have a dentist appointment Monday morning but that way Mel can just sleep in.

I'm also excited to start reading the Hunger Games again.  I finally went out and bought the collection because I loved it so much I want to have them around.  Since, the movie is coming out in March I want to brush up on the story plus, it's so good it deserves a second reading.  If you haven't read them your missing out.

I just found out the family that is going to take care of Buster have a two year old named Keiffer, he's super excited to meet Buster.  I know Buster will love having a kid around, they can wear each other out.  It's so nice knowing Buster is going to a good home and will be well taken care of and loved.

So I managed to score two dinner nights out.  Tonight we are going to LeBowski's for wings and bar food and Monday we are going for sushi.  Plus, we may be going for Thai food with the Williams's so I'm going to be in restaurant heaven.  I know some people don't like it but I really enjoy going out for dinner as long as it's good service and good food.

The Sabres play again tonight, hopefully they will win again!  Last night's game was exciting yet both Eric and I fell asleep, we are losers.  Tonight we'll stay up for sure.  Let's Go Buff-a-lo!  Peace out from 6119. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday, February 10, 2012

Happy Friday to you all!  This week seemed to go by fast, of course, I expect the next week will fly by.  It's killing me knowing I only have a week left with Buster.  I keep telling him what's going to happen, I know he doesn't understand but it makes me feel better if I explain it to him.  I keep telling him that we aren't getting rid of him and that we love him so much.  I just hope he doesn't get upset or think we are punishing him.  This morning he slept in the bed with us.  He woke up really early so I took him out and then threw him into bed.  It was cute he slept right between us, alternating between laying on each of us.  It was really cute.

Today, I'm working on preparing for Duke.  I called the apartments today to schedule our visit now I'm just waiting for the insurance company to get back to me on how we pay for our apartment.  It's crazy to think we will be living in an apartment in Durham.  They look pretty nice and they come completely furnished so we don't have to bring much.  I did some shopping yesterday and stocked up on more comfy clothes.  Now I have a weeks worth of sweats so I don't have to laundry.  :)  Luckily since the stores are already planning for the spring season, the sweats were on sale!

My best friend Melanie is coming to visit on Monday.  We've been friends since we were 12 or 13, she lives in Texas.  It will be her first trip to Charlotte and I can't wait to show her our city.  We will get to spend Valentine's together, we've decided we'll have crab legs to celebrate.  Lucky Eric, he gets two dates for V-Day.  Eric and I are planning on going out this Saturday, we haven't been out to eat just the two of us for a long time.  We are going to the sushi place near our house.  We've never been so hopefully it's good, at least the menu looks good.

Well that's it for today.  I hope you are happy and enjoying life to the fullest.  Much love from 6119.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday, February 9, 2012

I just got home from the Dentist.  Duke wanted me to go before the transplant so I don't have to worry about it while recovering.  Of course, I have a cavity, but I do like my candy so it's to be expected.  Hopefully, Eric can get in on Monday, when they are doing my cavity.

Eric's in Greenville today, it's just a day trip so we'll have him home for dinner.  This is his last trip for a little while since we are moving up to Durham for awhile.  I only have a week left with my Buster, I'm heartbroken thinking I won't see him for three months.  He'll be a big boy when this is all done.  I have to appreciate this puppy time while I can.  At least I got to be with him for two months before going away.  I know he will remember me it will just be hard.

There's not much else going on, just waiting to get my biopsy results which should be a clean marrow, meaning no leukemia cells.  Other than that I've been shopping for comfy sweatsuits to wear while recovering.  I imagine I'll be living in pajamas if I didn't buy some comfy clothes.

Well that's all for today, hope you all are well and happy.  Peace out from 6119.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Now, we have a new date, February 20th but I'll start my chemo on the 21st.  Instead of going up there next week for my last visit before checking into the hospital, I will go to the new patient class on the 20th and check into the hospital on the 21st.  I will be in the hospital for a month, I will feel my worst two weeks after five days of chemo.  That's when my blood counts will be zero, which means I will feel like complete shit, pardon my french.  At least I will have twenty four hour care, some one already told me the nurses are really great so I know I'll be fine.  Plus, it's easier when you go into it knowing you'll be there for 30 days.

I'm glad to know what the game plan is, now I need to finally read the 3 ring binder Duke gave me which explains everything.  It's full of info and I guess I've been avoiding it, but it's time to face the facts, it will be nice to know what to expect.  So now I have to live it up for this week and a half, it's my last days of freedom.  Hopefully, my best friend Melanie will be coming for a visit, we'll have a blast together.  That will be a good way to spend my last days before three months of isolation.

I want to take a minute to thank all my loved ones for the continued messages of support during all of this.  It's nice to know I have so many people to turn to in times of need, it really makes me feel loved which is a good thing.  I'm lucky to have so many wonderful people in my life.

So Buster's play date went awesome, I think he has found his best friend.  Sam is a labradoodle and he is bigger than Buster but he won't be for long.  The two of them were hilarious, they were jumping all over each other and running around.  Buster kept biting Sam's muzzle hair which was funny, Sam didn't seem to mind.  We took them to a park where we could let them go free.  They bounced all over each other biting and tackling each other all in good fun.  Buster was definitely dominated in the beginning but then Sam laid down and let Buster be top dog.  Buster jumped all over him and kept knocking him to the ground.  Oddly Sam seemed to like being dominated.

Ulga, Sam's mom, is from the Ukraine and her husband is from Mexico.  She's very nice and we are planning on meeting again today for a walk.  The dogs do a good job of wearing each other out, which is nice since they are both pups, Sam's a year old.  I think they will really enjoy each other as they grow up.  Who know's maybe Ulga and her husband will become our first friends in the neighborhood.

Today, I am going for a bone marrow biopsy, which sucks.  It's such a painful process, but I have this breathing technique that I do and I imagine being on a private island listening to waves.  It makes the pain easier to bear.  I'm also going to visit the nurses at the hospital and the cancer center.  I'm going to bring them some cupcakes.  I didn't know it would be my last time to to visit last month so it will be good to see everyone, especially knowing I don't have to stay there.

Well that's it for today, I hope you are all having a great week.  Much love from 6119.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 24th, that's my date!  At least it's the date my donor is going to donate his/her marrow.  I'm still waiting to talk to Dr. H to confirm what date I begin the preparation process.  I'm glad I choose to take the earlier date, I can't imagine waiting another month.  Besides I want to be done with all of this, I want to be healthy and normal again.  I will be, I just wish it didn't take so long, 110 days, of course that's the maximum, I'm hoping my recovery time will be quicker.

Today Buster has a play date, we are going on a walk with Sam, the neighbor dog.  We met Ulga and Sam when we first started walking, then we realized we live down the street from each other.  So we decided today we would try walking them together.  They seem to really like each other, Sam is a year old so he's still kind of a puppy.  Ulga seems to be about my age and she's very nice, she's eager to have the dogs wear each other out.  I'm thinking of letting them loose in the tennis courts by our house.  I'll have to pick up some tennis balls.  It will be nice to get to know some one in the neighbor hood, especially someone with a dog that can get along with Buster.

Well that's it for today, I hope life is treating you well.  Peace out from 6119.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012

Decisions, decisions, today is definitely proving to be a thinking day.  I heard from Dr. Horwitz (Duke) and Dr. Matthews (Fertility) this morning.  First, on the fertility front there's a 25% chance that I may have eggs to harvest and on the Duke front I have a donor date or two kind of.  Turns out the chemo hasn't completely destroyed my uterus function.  I could try and start the process needed to harvest eggs but there is no guarantee that I'll be able to and there's no guarantee that the egg could turn into a pregnancy eventually.  Also, there's no promise that I wouldn't pass the leukemia gene on to my child.  There's also the fact that my eggs have been doused three times with chemotherapy, it's a miracle they made it through and we don't know what sort of damage could have occured.  

As for Duke, they are willing to work with me on the time needed to harvest the eggs.  However, Dr. H explained that his number one concern is me and the leukemia, he thinks I could potentially hold off on the transplant if harvesting eggs is the most important thing to me.  Dr. H said he would rather start the transplant now instead of waiting but knows the decision is mine to make.  He told me that if I couldn't live knowing I didn't do every possible thing to have a child then we could wait.  The problem is that my donor has agreed to the date of February 24th, which is too soon to harvest eggs.  If I wait I would have to wait until March 15th which is longer than I had anticipated.  Dr. H agreed, he had hoped it would be sooner but the marrow center doesn't have any earlier appointments.

I am faced with the choice between harvesting eggs or moving forward with the transplant.  If I choose to harvest my eggs it would cost up to $8K, I was wrong in my original thinking turns out the drugs cost $4K and the procedure cost $4K.  Plus, there's no guarantee it would even work.  The alternative could be egg donation but that costs up to $20K, apparently adoption isn't cheap either.

I told both doctors I would call them tomorrow morning with my decision.  It's been a hard morning, my emotions have been on a roller coaster.  First, I thought it would be a no brainer, go ahead and try to harvest, but putting my treatment off another month isn't that appealing to me.  Then there's the what ifs, and the costs and deep down I'm feeling that maybe I wasn't meant to bear children.  We had been trying before I got sick and nothing happened so maybe pregnancy and all that just isn't in the cards for me.  I still think we will have kids some day through adoption or whatever, I guess I've come to terms with the fact that I won't have a natural pregnancy.

As Eric says, I have to put my health first, if I'm not alive there's no point in talking about children in the first place.  It just hurts to know that the only way I'll be able to have children is to pay a lot of money when other people who shouldn't have children get them for free.  Life isn't fair, I know that and I think we all do, but you don't have to like it and right now I don't like it.  Even still I am thankful for my life and for my health, I know I'm lucky to be alive and I value life in a deeper way now.  So I am going to move forward with the transplant and take the February 24th date.  It's not an easy decision to make but I'm choosing my life.

Signing off from 6119.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl Sunday, hello fun day!  We are pulling for the Giants, go Eli!  Screw pretty boy Brady!  We are making some slow cooked pulled pork for today, it will be mighty tasty.  Perfect for Super Bowl Sunday.  It's still gloomy here but it seems to have stopped raining.  There's a misty fog covering the land and it looks pretty.

Buster spent his first night sleeping in his Taj Mahal in the kitchen instead of with us in the bedroom.  He's outgrown the first crate we had for him so I think he enjoys having more room to sprawl out while he sleeps. He did great, he didn't whine at all.  He's getting big, he is getting to the point where he is almost to big to sit on the edge of the recliner with me.  I'm going to cry when that happens because I love our cuddle time.  Although, I'm sure we'll find some new way to sit.

Last night our Sabres won which was awesome.  Sadly, both Eric and I slept through the winning shoot out.  It's embarrassing and we are officially apologizing to the Sabres.  Although, they haven't apologized for all their losses this season so I guess we are even.

My hair is getting longer it's kind of fuzzy and soft.  At the McDonald's drive through the girl told me I looked like Sinaid O'Connor.....nice.  I'm waiting for the buzz cut to be the next new style.  I'm a trendsetter really.   Enough about my hair on to Buster.  I have new pictures for you all.  I tried to get some good ones and mine all failed, Eric is the one with the magic.  I swear Buster was posing for him!  Anyway, enjoy them I know we do.

Have a fantastic day, may the Giants win!  Go G Men!  Peace out from 6119.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Saturday, February, 4 2012

Ahh the weekend, unfortunately it's rainy and gloomy out.  We miss our 70 degree weather, although we could be like my mom who got over 16 inches of snow this week, she lives in Colorado.  I guess I have to remember it is winter and even gloomy and rainy without the cold is not that bad.  Still I wish it would have been beautiful on the weekend so Eric could enjoy it, oh well.

I never heard from any of my doctors yesterday and quite honestly I forgot to call them.  I will make some calls first thing Monday morning hopefully I will find out some news.  I'm ready to know what's going on instead of just waiting to hear something.

There's not much to report, I'm definitely enjoying the fact that I don't have to go to the hospital three days a week, it's been the longest time that I've been off chemo or anything cancer related since I got sick.  It's cool knowing that I might not ever have to get chemo at the Charlotte hospital again.  I'll have it at Duke but that should be the last time.

Anyway, I hope you are having better weather than we are.  Either way enjoy the weekend!  Much love from 6119.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday, February 3, 2012

Happy Friday!  Buster and I just came home from the vet.  He weighs 19 lbs!  His check up went well but he has dirty ears and Boxers are prone to ear infections so we had to buy some ear cleaner.  We'll see how it goes when I attempt to clean them.  Buster sure loves being out and about he says hello to every one and every one loves him.  It's hard to ignore his handsome charming self.

So I haven't heard from any of my doctors so I might have to call them.  I want to know my blood results so we can just know whether or not we can have kids.  Plus, I want to have my donor date, Duke will give me a calendar once they know my date and that will lay out my life for the next three months.  I'm trying not to think about it because I'll have to be away from Buster which breaks my heart.

Well there's not much else to report, hopefully we will have another beautiful day.  Yesterday, it was almost hot outside it was so nice.  It was cold this morning but that was early and the sun hadn't had a chance to do it's job.  I do have to say I love our weather, sorry all my friends and family in Buffalo, I do not miss the winter at all.  Even though you have had a mild winter I still have the best weather.  :)

Now on to my day, I hope you all have a fabulous Friday and the day goes by quick so the weekend gets here!  Much love from 6119.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Happy Thursday, the weekend is almost here!  I hope you all have been having a good week.  I went to the fertility doctor yesterday.  They are running a test on my blood to see if there is any chance they will be able to harvest my eggs, I should know by tomorrow.  If there is a chance, I will need two weeks on fertility drugs, a shot every day, until the eggs are mature enough to extract.  If that works they will fertilize them with Eric's sperm and freeze the embryo's until we are ready.  The only problem is that insurance doesn't cover the process and the fertility drugs alone cost $4,000.  Yikes!  We'll see what the blood tests say.  Considering I've already had three rounds of chemo the doctor doubts I will have any eggs but there's always a chance.  I'm not getting my hopes up, just exploring our options.

The doctor was pretty cool and she also does egg donor pregnancies so if we choose to go that route she will be able to help us.  Other than that there isn't much else to report.  I spoke to my Duke nurse yesterday and we still haven't received a donor date but should hear something soon.  I told her about the two weeks needed for egg harvesting if it's possible.  We might have to hold off on the transplant for a week but we won't know until we have the donor date.  She said they would do what they could to help us out.

It's another beautiful day out, it really feels like spring instead of winter.  I am comfortable in a t-shirt and jeans which is nice.  Eric and I are going to try and hit some golf balls today or tomorrow over lunch.  I haven't done that since before I got sick but I'm looking forward to smashing the ball.

Well that's it for today, I hope you all have a beautiful day.  Peace out from 6119.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Happy February!  The month of love is upon us, oh boy! Hopefully, for me it will be the month of a transplant! I can't wait to hear from Duke to find out when we will get this show on the road.  Today I go to the fertility doctor but I'm not getting my hopes up, I'm betting I have no eggs.  I'll let you know how it goes.

Buster was spoiled this morning, he got to sleep in the bed with us for twenty minutes.  He actually did sleep curled up in between the two of us.  Even though he now has his very own Taj Mahal, the new crate Mom got for him is huge!  Luckily, it has a divider we can put up so it's not so big that he will use one side as a bathroom.  His regular doggy bed fits in it with room to spare.  Which is good since he has a ton of toys that will fit in the crate too.  Eventually he'll be big enough to use the whole crate.

It's hard to imagine how big he will be, the vet and everyone tells us he will be a big boy.  I can't wait to see him grow up but I'm cherishing the puppy time.  I'm sad to know that once the transplant happens he will have to go to our friends home for a few months.  I'll miss him horribly but it's what we have to do, the doctors said no way to the idea of me recovering with a dog.

We are supposed to have another beautiful day here, almost 70 again.  I love taking Buster for a walk when it's so beautiful out.  We even met a nice dog who sits outside most of the time.  His owner, Joanne said to stop by anytime.  Her dog lets Buster jump all around he's very patient.  So we go on our regular walk and make a stop by to see our buddy, sadly we don't even know the dog's name!  I'm sure we will find it out soon.

Well Buster is sitting by the door again so he must have to go out.  Although, I think he wants to see if the neighbor dogs are outside.  That's the trouble now that he knows the signal he uses it quite liberally.

I hope you all have a fantastic day, much love from 6119.