Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sunday Funday

Good day friends and family.  I hope this Sunday morning has been good to you.  It sure has been nice for me.  Eric took me out for IHOP this morning, I had strawberry banana pancakes with whip cream, coffee and OJ.  It was fabulous.  During breakfast I was watching this cute girl sitting across from us.  I said to Eric, "Won't it be nice to have that some day?"  He said, "you have to be prepared for the fact that we might not have kids." He doesn't want me to get my hopes up and have my heart crushed.  I was pretty consumed with the idea of having a baby and it did crush me to hear that I probably will not but I still believe anything is possible.  The great thing is I have a wonderful husband who assures me he is happy with just us and that will be enough.  He's so supportive and I don't know what I would do without him.  I'm so blessed to share my life with my best friend, my soul mate.  For now, our family is complete, Eric, me and Buster.  Perhaps will add another dog one day.

In other news, we received a fabulous surprise on Friday.  My Dad's client Darrell Swank with Leslie Rudd Investment copany sent us some wonderful wine.  Darrell said he has worked with my Dad for many years and had recently learned that I was given the go ahead to start drinking again.  So they sent me a white and two reds to enjoy.  We are going to enjoy a bottle tonight with Gwumpki, a polish tradition.  It's stuffed cabbage leaves and it's one of Eric's favorite dishes.  That with mash potatoes and you have a wonderful meal.  Perfect with a glass of wine.  A big THANK YOU to Darrell and Leslie Rudd Investment Company.

It's so amazing to see how many people reach out to one another through out life.  I've been touched by so many people and it's all because of my amazing group of family and friends.  Thanks to all of you in my life, I love you all.  With that, I'll sign off.  Enjoy this beautiful day, peace out from 6119.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Stupid Passwords

Ugh.  I hate passwords, I feel like I have to reset my blog every time I want to post.  And every time I swear the password is something simple yet I can't remember.....  Thank goodness for resets!

So we've had an interesting week.  Poor Eric either had a horrible bout with food poisoning or could have some digestive issues.  He's been feeling like crap all week and especially over the weekend.  Unfortunately, we had to cancel our trip to Florida, but at least Eric is feeling a little better now.

Not much else is going on, the weather has been beautiful.  Mid 70s and sunny, perfect for our daily walks.  Buster has a new best friend, Murphy, they are the same size and they love to box.  We see him every day and have at least a 5-10 minute wrestling session.  It's nice to find a dog who likes to box and wrestle.  Usually, Buster is the aggressor but not with Murphy.

Well, I'm off to hit the books.  It's serious now, I am going to be a good student from now on.

Peace out, hope your day is fabulous!

Friday, September 21, 2012


Happy Friday everyone!  I'm glad it's the weekend, I'm ready for some days off with my two favorite men.  Next week we are planning on going to Florida.  Eric has to be there for work so we decided to drive down so I can spend a little time on the beach.  I will make sure to stay out of the sun but I'm excited to bring my paints and sit down on the beach to paint!

As requested, I am finally posting a picture of my hair.  It's hard to see the color but it seems to be lighter than it used to be.  I think it's kind of sandy brown, we'll see.  Eric thinks I should trim the back, I think he's probably right but I'm so not wanting to cut my hair.  It's so nice to have it and I just want it to grow long!

In health news, I'm still going strong no problems this week.  Feeling great and I don't have to go back to Duke until November!  In Buster news, he has fallen in love with mud.  Every time we go on a walk he finds the mud and prances around in it.  At least he doesn't roll around in the mud but I still have to wash him afterward!  Today on our walk he found a dead snake, I'm glad it was dead but it was still freaky looking.  Thank goodness he didn't pick it up and carry it around.  He pawed at it for awhile and then got bored.

Well not much else to say.  I hope you all have a beautiful day.  Oh and happy late birthday to my fabulous Grandma Jodi and my wonderful step dad Mike.  I love you both and hope your day was fabulous!  Much love to you all, peace out.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

September 16, 2012

Hello friends and family, I'm back!  Sorry for the extended break between blogs, I just haven't felt like I had much to say.  But I hear from people all the time, asking why I don't update the blog.  They want new pictures too.  I'll work on that, I should have some new pics up this week.  So sorry for leaving you all in the dark and I appreciate that you still read my blog.

In health news, I'm doing great.  I was just at Duke this week for a blood draw and some research questions.  I learned that my immune system is 70% complete which is pretty cool.  The doctors are very happy with my progress.  I have to have a lung test on Monday to make sure everything is cool there too, which should be I haven't had any problems.  Once I'm done with that I'll be free from doctors appointments until November.

In Buster news, he's great, he's the best dog I could have ever asked for.  Today we were on our walk and we had a run in with a little yippy dog that looked like a lion, his body was shaved except for his mane.  Well this little dog was riding on top of the woman's stroller while she walked a huge K9 along with her daughter.  Buster did great with the K9 and we were going about our way when the little lion leaped off of the stroller and started chasing us, barking wildly at Buster the whole time.  So the dog is not on a leash and the woman walking him says oh don't worry he'll come back and she kept on walking.  The little lion followed us barking while I held Buster back.  Finally, I got annoyed and let Buster go after him.  It was awesome, that little lion ran back to mommy but Buster cornered him and dominated him in the end.  Finally, the little lion ran back home.

Who does that anyway?  Don't mind my little annoying dog as he chases you and barks at you.  I won't come get him or anything....  Crazy lady.  But Buster did good he didn't get in any trouble and I know he felt satisfied after chasing the silly thing away.

So that's it for today, I hope you all had a fabulous weekend.  Peace out from 6119.