Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday November 30, 2011

As I type this, I'm reclining in a lazy boy, with a chai latte and an iv pump hooked up to me.  It's the beginning of my reduction chemo, I'm in the "Infusion Room" at my Dr. office chilling out for three hours.   Once, I'm done they will check me into my hospital room and I'll have another round at 9:00 tonight.  It was kind of funny to drive myself to the hospital to check in for chemotherapy.  Eric will meet me up here once I'm in my room. This time the chemo shouldn't wipe me out completely and I'll be going home on Monday morning.  I'll just have to keep getting my blood checked to make sure I don't need any transfusions and wait until the bone marrow transplant is scheduled.

In other news, my poor brother has to get his blood drawn again!  The hospital received his blood yesterday but because it wasn't labeled the lab would not accept the blood.  So poor Tucker and Dad will have to run around again today to get the blood shipped out again.  Of course, it's not cheap shipping blood overnight and now Dad has to pay for it twice!  Yikes, shouldn't the hospital take more responsibility considering they are the ones that lost the blood in the first place.  They lost it in their own lab.....poor Tucker has blood sitting all over the place.  So thank you again Tucker & Dad for all that you have done for me!

I'd also like to thank Pam, Alice, Bob & Jim for the awesome cuddly sheep, it is so soft and comfy it's perfect for cuddling with while I wait for Buster to come home!  I didn't have enough hands to carry it in with me this morning but I'll have Eric bring it to me when he comes to the hospital.  I'm sure he'll love carrying the large fluffy sheep pillow through the hospital!

That's all for now, hope you all have a great day!  Love from the "infusion room"!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tuesday November 29, 2011

Yesterday, I got some great news, I'm officially in remission!  My bone marrow biopsy results came back clean!  I'm so excited to finally be able to declare remission, tomorrow I'll start my reduction chemo which is standard procedure.  Once I have the bone marrow transplant, I'll be on my way to living cancer free!  

I want to thank Dad and Tucker for scrambling to come up with another blood sample to see if Tucker can be my bone marrow donor.  Since the hospital lost his original sample, Tucker had to draw more blood and Dad had to fedex the vials of blood to my hospital.  Crazy huh?  Thank you Dad for finding a Dr. for Tucker and setting up the appointment so quickly.  Hopefully, we will get the results back while I'm in the hospital.  

Today is my last day of freedom so I plan on painting, relaxing and I may even go see a movie.  I hope you all have a fabulous Tuesday!  

Love from 6119.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday November 28, 2011

Happy Monday everyone!  I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving Holiday, we sure did!  We loved having Eric's parents, Kathy & Chuck, in town we enjoyed great food, good company and lots of laughs.  Of course the holiday was even better given we got to spend some time with Buster.  I still can't get over how cute he is and know that he is going to bring great joy to our home.

I don't have much to report today, I'm feeling good and positive.  I'll check into the hospital Wednesday but it should be a quick stay plus, I should find out more about the bone marrow transplant.  In talking with my good friend Nadine, who happens to be an Oncologist I feel a lot better about the whole process, the transplant will really be the best way to rid myself of the cancer for good.  I'll have a long recovery process but it will be well worth the time.  Hopefully, my brother Tucker will be the donor; we both think it would be cool to share marrow and an immune system.  He's been such a great support during all of this, along with all my family and friends.  I'm so thankful for all of you and for each day as I know now more than ever, each day is a gift and I'm so blessed to have the life I have, cancer or not.

Hope you all have an excellent week!  Love from 6119.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Saturday November 26, 2011

Today was Buster day!  We just got home from our trip to visit our little baby, I can still smell his cute puppy breath!  Buster is so beautiful, he's the biggest & the most adventurous of the litter.  He already walks with a proud gait.  The long drive to Effingham, SC (yes, Effingham) was well worth it we were able to play with Buster and his four siblings.  After about a half hour they all started passing out in our arms and laps.  I hope you enjoy the pictures, we are so very proud of our puppy and can't wait til Dec 17th when he'll be able to come home!

Peace out from the happiest new puppy Mom, love to you all from 6119.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Friday November 25, 2011

Today has been a good day, after sleeping in we enjoyed a little late afternoon shopping followed by another round of Thanksgiving dinner.  Now we are watching the Sabres play wishing they would get their heads in the game and start scoring!

I'm super excited for tomorrow morning as we are going to visit Buster!  He is about two and a half hours from here in South Carolina.  I can't wait to meet our baby, the breeders claim he is the most beautiful and their favorite out of the litter.  I'm so glad I get to visit him before going back in to the hospital and it will be nice for Kathy & Chuck to meet their new grand puppy!

Thank you Elanor Ferris for the awesome Rhino chopsticks, Russel Stover's Chocolates and hair wraps.  I love all of it, we all have been enjoying the chocolates and the tin is beautiful!  If anyone could find Rhino chopsticks, it would be you Elanor!

That's about it for me, sorry for the late posts, thanks for sticking with me.  Lots of love to you all from 6119.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thursday November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!  I hope you are all enjoying this day and celebrating all the things to be thankful for in life.  Here are the pictures of my bald head, sorry I couldn't post them last night.  It took a lot longer to shave my head than we thought, the clippers kept dying!

I'm also posting pics of us with Eric's parents, they were so nice to come down from Buffalo to spend the holiday with us.  Thanks to them we have a 22 lb turkey in the oven which makes the house smell delicious!

I hope you all have a great holiday and get to enjoy it with the ones you love.

Happy Thanksgiving from 6119.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wednesday November 23, 2011

I have just returned from my first post hospital visit with Dr. Miller.  I had another bone marrow biopsy and they checked my blood counts.  While they did not see Leukemia in my blood, the results from my genetic testing show I have a genetic mutation that greatly increases my risk for relapse.  Due to this mutation, I will need to have a bone marrow transplant.  My brother Tucker was tested as a donor while he was here, unfortunately, the hospital lost his blood test.  So he will have to be retested at his own doctor in Wichita.  Hopefully, he will be a match as it's much better to accept the marrow from a sibling.

This genetic mutation is called a FLT3, without a bone marrow transplant the chance of my recovery from a relapse would be much more difficult.  As Dr. Miller said this isn't a set back, it doesn't change my prognosis, it's just disappointing and means the fight will be harder to reach a cure.  I will check back into the hospital a week from today for my first round of reduction chemo which will last five days.  If I did not have the FLT3 mutation, this would be my first step towards remission.  Dr. Miller will work on setting up my bone marrow transplant and my second round of reduction chemo.  Hopefully, we will get all this done before Christmas.

This wasn't the news we were hoping to hear today but we will continue to think positive and I know I'll be able to make it through this new challenge.  I hate to leave a disappointing post the day before Thanksgiving, but I'm still thankful for the progress I have made in fighting this cancer.  Each day is a gift and I intend on enjoying the next 7 days to the fullest before checking back into the hospital.  The good thing is I know all the nurses and they take good care of me, I've already asked for my old room but it's occupied, at least this time I won't be in as long.   In closing, today Eric will shave my head, I'm tired of leaving a trail of hair every where I go.  We will post pictures later today.

Love to you all from 6119.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday November 21, 2011

Happy Monday, gosh the weekends fly by so fast.  Now the start of another week, but at least we have Thanksgiving to break it up a bit!  We are looking forward to our visit from Chuck & Kathy, they left Buffalo this morning and will be here this evening.  It will be so nice to have family in town for the holiday.    I don't have much to report today, I guess I could have skipped the blog altogether but it's become part of my routine now.  I'll be busy cleaning house and getting ready for our guests.  I hope this Monday goes by quickly for everyone.

Much love, 6119.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday November 20, 2011

The year 2011 has been full of plenty of hard ships but it's given me a new love of life and a stronger bond with my husband and those who love me.  I look forward to 2012, originally, we were hoping for a baby in 2012.  We've had baby on our minds for awhile now but the AML has taken pregnancy out of the cards for a little while. Thankfully, we will have a new baby this year, Buster D. Miller (his full name is a tribute to my cancer Dr.) will be home with us by Christmas!  We plan on spoiling him since he's our present to each other.  More like he is Eric's present to us, since he's the one who makes money around here.  Either way, Buster is our baby and I'm so excited to be a doggy Mom.

This weekend has been wonderful, while in the hospital weekends were the hardest on me.  Now, I'm able to enjoy them for what they are, mini vacations with my hubby in between work weeks.  I'm so lucky to have such a fun relationship with Eric, we truly enjoy each other's company.  Some say we are lucky, I  say we are in love and I couldn't imagine it any other way.  With that I will end my thoughts.  I hope you enjoy and appreciate your loved ones today and every day.  

Peace out, 6119.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Saturday November 18, 2011

This morning we went for Dunkin Donuts followed by a country drive.  Enjoying two 'double doubles' and glazed donuts was a great way to start off the morning.  We love taking our country drives, I love to see all the trees in their beautiful fall colors and Eric just loves driving.

Last night we had the most delicious dinner all thanks to our good friends Bob & Linda Williams.  I've included pictures, that's how much we enjoyed the meal, we had to take pictures.  Bob & Linda thought of everything, a crock pot full of Buffalo Chicken Dip soup, bread bowls, a salad & home made dressing, dessert and a 6 pack of Labatt Blue.  It was the perfect meal for a Friday night and even more appropriate to enjoy before watching the Sabres beat the Hurricanes!  Seriously, thank you Linda & Bob it was a wonderful meal and was such a sweet thing for you to do for us.

Yesterday, I had to have my Hickman re-dressed thanks to a huge scab finally coming off.  I apologize if that is too much info.  I'm glad I called the home nurse otherwise I would have been uncomfortable all weekend.  Plus, the scab coming off means it's healing well.  Today, I must flush my Hickman ports, which is just a standard cleaning of the lines using saline & hepren lock.    It's strange having three long lines running out of your chest, they kind of get in the way since they hang about 18 inches.  I feel like I need to be plugged in to something.

Today has been named "Modern War Fare day" by Eric who plans on dominating this new game on the Xbox.  So I will be drawing and painting.  It's about time I picked up my old paints again.  It's a nice cold fall Saturday which I intend to enjoy.  I hope you all enjoy this day to the fullest!

Much love from 6119.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday November 18, 2011

Happy Friday!  It's a beautiful but cold day here in Charlotte, there's frost on the ground!  No more rain so perhaps I'll get out for a walk today.  I'm feeling really good, I get a little tired but that's nothing a nap can't fix.  It's hard to believe that only three days ago I was in the hospital.  Now, besides the Hickman port in my chest I feel normal, minus the ever growing bald spot on the back of my head.     

You never know when a doctor's appointment could turn into admission into the hospital with a cancer diagnosis.  Just like you never know when it will be your turn to get checked out of the hospital.  Life happens to us all, the only thing we really have control of is our reactions and emotions.  So even though it seems like we have no control really we do, it's up to us to turn whatever life throws at us into something good.  For me, AML has shown me how loved and supported I am, which means I'm never alone even when it feels like I am.  AML has taught me that life is fragile and should be appreciated every day.  This disease has brought my family closer in so many ways.

Today, I hope you all will have a moment when you can just breathe and appreciate your life.  Take all the good and bad and mix it together and be thankful for it all.  I know I am.

In closing, I must thank Mom & Mike for the wonderful care package we received yesterday!  The Boxer book, food bowls, leash, brush and toys will be perfect for Buster.  Thanks also for the wonderful relaxing candles and bath bubbles, I do love a good bath and now I have all that I need to enjoy a nice soak in the tub.

Much love from 6119.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday November 17, 2011

Happy Thursday Everyone!  It's been raining for three days here so I'm looking forward to a sunny day so I can get out and take a walk.  I still relish every moment of being free from the hospital, especially sleeping in my own bed!   I've been eating everything in sight so I'm pretty sure I gained back the 10 lbs I lost in the hospital.

Fall is so beautiful here all the trees are in bright colors.  Of course, our lawn is covered in leaves but until it stops raining we can't do much about them.   Well there is not much to report today, but I do have new Buster pictures!  We are expecting to meet him a week from Saturday!  Until then, the breeder sends me pictures when she can, which I love!

I also want to take a minute and thank my amazing husband, Eric.  His dedication to the blog and the words he wrote touched my heart and I know his work was appreciated by all who have been keeping up with my experience.  I feel my words don't have the same flow as his but I will continue to try to work on my blogging skills.  This thank you is long over due and well deserved.

I hope this day finds you all well, love to you all!  Signing off from 6119.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday November 16, 2011

Today I had my first visit from my home nurse Becky, she is very nice and will be coming over once a week to change the dressing on my Hickman port.  She also brought me lots of supplies and taught me how to flush my port lines every three days.  Other than that, there's nothing new to report, except I expect to be bald soon as I finally have bald spots and the hair keeps falling out.  I expect to be wearing a lot of fun hats this winter!  Eric is back to work and I'm back to doing laundry but still enjoying being home!  

Signing off with love from 6119.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday November 15, 2011

Hello Friends & Family!  Sorry for the delay in posting, I am officially taking over the blog now that I am home and Eric will be back to work full time tomorrow.  This morning I enjoyed the simple pleasures of sleeping in & the best sleep I've had in a month.  I will admit that I did wake up expecting my nurse visit at 6:00am, followed by my vital check at 7:30am and then breakfast at 8:30am.  Oh how nice it is to be home!  We got home from the hospital at about 1:30 yesterday, then we enjoyed our favorite Thai Taste meal before heading out to Walmart.  It was a beautiful day and I loved just being outside, seeing different views and feeling the sunshine.  Now today we are spending the day relaxing and enjoying our time together.  I'm not sure if I'll keep the post going daily since I won't be getting daily Dr. visits and reports.  Although, I will be getting a home nurse to take care of my Hickman (iv port), she comes tomorrow and then every three days.  I have my first weekly Dr.Visit for Wednesday of next week where I'll have another bone biopsy.  Let's hope it comes back clean again!  Thanks to Kristina Acuna for the beautiful scarf from NYC, fun stationary and nail care tools.  I love all of it and of course the beautiful card!  Also, thanks to Angela Wiens Holdeman for the big bags of Skittles, M&M's, puzzle book and awesome copies of pics from grade school (which I might have to scan and post!) I have already eaten half the bag of skittles and will most likely finish it today.  I can not thank you all enough for all the love and support both in prayers and thoughts as well as cards and gifts.  I am constantly overwhelmed with happiness when I read the cards enjoy the gifts, which I know has been key in helping me fight this cancer!  Signing off with love from house 6119!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday November 14th, 2011


Jenn is officially leaving the Carolinas Medical Center today!!!!  YES TODAY!!!  OH MY GOODNESS; TODAY!!!!!

We are packing up Jenn's room right now and are just tickled to get out of here.  The Dr's have been outstanding and we are looking forward to seeing them as visitors when we come back for Jenn's weekly visits.

We would like to thank Dr Miller, his assistant nurse Anastasia and of course Dragos the pharmacist.  They were all fantastic and Dr Miller and Dragos won't soon be forgotten.  I even gave them both a business card so that we can golf and have a couple beers here someday soon.

Sorry for the short blog today, but I have to help Jenn pack and get home ASAP!!  WooHoo!

Thanks to everyone for all of the love and support and please keep Jenn in your prayers as this battle is far from over.  But getting Jenn at home is one huge victory in this war on Leukemia.

Lots of Love from Room 4912!!  (This blog will continue daily, but not with this sign-off... haha)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday November 13th, 2011

This is the last Sunday that Jenn should be here at the Carolinas Medical Center!

Jenn's weekend Doctor, Dr Briggs, came in today and told Jenn that her white blood cell count was 3 and that Jenn needs to get up to 5-7 before they can release her.  This is great because Jenn was at 1.3 up till today, so the Dr thinks that mid-next week is still very practical and most likely when Jenn is going to be released.

Other than that, Jenn's hemoglobin is holding and her neutrophil count is rising as well.  Not too much to update today, which is great news.

Other than that, Jenn and I are just looking forward to picking up Buster on December 17th and we will continue to update the blog with new pictures this week.

God Bless and Much Love from Room 4912!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Saturday November 12th, 2011

Good morning everyone!

Jenn saw Dr Briggs this morning and she had some good news for Jenn.  The shot that she received yesterday to help stimulate her bone marrow must be working, because Jenn's white blood cell count went up from .9 to 1.3 since yesterday and her Hemoglobin counts came up on their own as well!

Dr Briggs told Jenn that if this keeps up that Jenn should expect to be released early this upcoming week.  What a relief that would be for Jenn and something I have been looking forward to for a couple of weeks now.  We forgot to tell everyone that our good buddy Norm whom I met the first day when Jenn was admitted to the hospital here; was released on Thursday and he left us a nice note so that we can keep in touch.  He was very cool and inspirational for Jenn as he would walk 3 miles each day on this 4th floor... military style and at a rigorous pace.  I am very happy for Norm and wish him the best moving forward.

We are going for a walk now to get a coffee at Caribou downstairs; one of our favorite things to do here.  I have gotten to know all of the barista's and they definitely hook us up with the coffees, etc.

Things just continue to look up for Jenn and us, so we just relish in the fact that we are so blessed.

Lots of Love from Room 4912!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday November 11th, 2011

Today is the wait and see day.  Dr Miller is going to give Jenn a drug today that should boost her immune system to some extent to see if she produces enough white blood cells in order to release Jenn from the hospital!!  Yes we are talking about Jenn actually leaving the building for good.  :)

Jenn doesn't need any blood products today and she is once again creating enough platelets that there probably won't be a need for platelet transfusions any longer in the future.  Dr Miller told us today that Jenn doesn't have any Chromosomal defects and given Jenn's young age, he feels very confident that Jenn has cleared the biggest hurdle that she might face.  The induction chemo is typically very tough on most people and per Dr Miller can even be life threatening for some patients.  But Jenn did her Chemo and made it through that step like it was a walk in the park.  As we all know, Jenn had very few side effects because of the chemo and even today she has a full head of hair. 

Now we were warned that the hair will start to rapidly fall out, so we might shave Jenn's head this weekend.  She is going to be gorgeous with or without  hair; Jenn knows that the bald head at this age is a badge of honor and that she has successfully kicked this cancer so far.

We also have chosen a breeder that has Boxer puppies available and we already have "Buster" picked out... We will attach a picture today via this blog site.  He is absolutely adorable and he is so small right now that he has yet to open his eyes. We like to think that he is just waiting to see us before he decides to see the world for himself.

Jenn would like to thank Melanie Davis for the iced animal crackers; they are definitely Jenn's favorite and made her oh so happy!!  Also thanks Mel for the book "Change Your Thoughts; Change Your Life", also thanks for the nail polish as Jenn loves to paint her nails while here in the hospital. 

Thanks to Michael Svoboda as well for the amazing selection of gourmet cookies and cakes, they all look amazing and I personally cannot wait to eat some here shortly.  One thing Mike... This isn't about you, so BOO on the Tampa Bay Lightning comment... We own you guys at hockey, just check out the record in the past few years.  Buffalo is 46-19-5 against your Lightning... So even if the Lightning were to win the next 26 games in a row; you would still be a game behind us in the overall records.  We Buffalonians LOVE playing the Lightning... Can we play them all year??  Just kidding, thanks for thinking of Jenn!!

Special thanks to Jenn's Dad Scott for sending the CD; she listens to Father and Daughter and cries while thinking of you... VERY COOL!

Much Love from Room 4912!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thursday November 10th, 2011

Weather update from Charlotte... Drizzle and 60 today; so no walks outside for Jenn.

Jenn will be receiving two units of blood today as her Hemoglobin is below 8 today, but as we all know from previous posts, these transfusions actually give Jenn a lot of energy and make her feel a lot better.  The only way I can describe how Jenn feels when the Hemoglobin gets this low; is that she feels a little like being hung-over.  The body is slower and she gets headaches, too bad some cold pizza and a Gatorade won't fix it all up...

The Dr's keep laughing and telling us that Jenn's room is always so interesting.  We talk about beer, sports, how to make gummy bear shooters, Romania (Dragos is from there) and of course a little about Jenn's health.  Actually a lot about Jenn's health, but you know that we need to keep it on the lighter side of course since Jenn is doing so very well!

We have found out that Jenn really loves Mounds bars (She is a coconut lover!) and Caribou coffee (Hazelnut Latte), so this morning we went downstairs and got her both.  :)

Other than that, I would like to personally thank Epson so being such a great company to work for and being so understanding in this time of need for Jenn and I.  My boss (Clark Broyles) has been nothing short of amazing and his ability to allow me some time away while still covering my accounts with internal resources is just astounding and greatly appreciated.  Also, Jennifer Swendell deserves huge hugs and kisses for being that resource that is covering my accounts.  She is an amazing person and even better co-worker; thanks Jenn from the bottom of my heart!  Lastly my HR department is super supportive and really stepped up when they heard that Roswell wouldn't work with the insurance.  It thankfully was Roswell that wouldn't work with the insurance and not the other way around, United Healthcare is great and I appreciate the fact that Epson provides good health care coverage even for out of state employees.  Many thanks to my Epson family in this time of need!!

Much Love from Room 4912!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday November 9th, 2011

Update - Jenn has left the building...  Ok, before we get too overly excited, Jenn was just allowed to go outside yesterday with me for 15-20 minutes.  She was so happy just to breathe some fresh air and watch the water fountains and look at all of the beautiful flowers.  It was 75 here yesterday and today is looking much the same, so I expect to see Jenn outside yet again today.

Jenn is doing really well still and we are just waiting for a visit from Dr Miller here this morning.  He is later than usual because the lab lost Jenn's blood draw from this morning, so they just came and took some more to have analyzed; STAT! haha

Other than that, Jenn would like to thank Colby and Angelica for the awesome mix of CD's that were sent and the note that was beyond funny... And yes Colby, Jenn does deserve to chill when she gets out of here!  :)

The medical update for today is that Jenn is naturally producing platelets now, here count went from 14.7 to 23.0 overnight. This is GREAT news so we are getting closer and closer to seeing Jenn back at home real soon.  Dr Miller basically said this is the last weekend that Jenn should be in the hospital!!!  WooHoo! (That was Jenn saying that, she is getting giddy at this point and I don't blame her one bit!)

Much Love from Room 4912!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday November 8th, 2011

Today was just like the past week or so has been. Very good news and Dr Miller even saw a neutrophil in Jenn's blood which is a great sign.

Today's lesson of the day...

Neutrophil: A type of white blood cell, specifically a form of granulocyte, filled with neutrally-staining granules, tiny sacs of enzymes that help the cell to kill and digest microorganisms it has engulfed by phagocytosis. The mature neutrophil has a segmented nucleus (it is called a seg or poly) while the immature neutrophil has band-shape nucleus (it is called a band). The neutrophil has a lifespan of about 3 days.

Dr Miller won't release Jenn from the hospital till her Neutrophil count is up and so far Jenn only has 1 Neutrophil per blood smear... Not high at all, but 1 is more than Jenn has had because the Chemo kills off all of the Neutrophils and most of Jenn's white blood cells in general.

We are hopeful that Jenn will be released from the hospital by next weekend.  So at this point it is just important to get Jenn out on daily walks...  We did so yesterday and went to another medical building on the campus here in Charlotte and we are about to go out for another walk now to see what else we can find.

Jenn is not receiving any blood products again today, so she is just moving along at a great clip.

Jenn would like to thank Geraldine Wnuk for her new Giraffe print scarf that all of the nurses just love and for the Buffalo PJ bottoms as well; very cute!   Also Jenn would like to thank Allie and Doug for the awesome smelling Toasted Coconut Coffee... We cannot wait to brew some here in the next couple of days.

Much Love from Room 4912!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday November 7th, 2011

Jenn just keeps getting more good news and we are loving it!!

Dr Miller and Dragos (Still my favorite name in the world) came in today to tell Jenn that everything looks great and she won't be needing any blood products at all today.  Jenn was also told that she can leave the floor and wander around the hospital as long as she wears her protective mask to avoid any possible germs.  This provided the biggest smile I have seen on Jenn's face since she was admitted to the hospital.

Think about this for a second from Jenn's perspective...  She was rushed into the hospital on Friday October 14th for what was thought to be Acute Leukemia and hasn't stepped foot off of this floor in almost a month now.  So the only thing I can relate this to is a prisoner being able to go outside from solitary confinement or something like that.  What a relief!!

Jenn asks everyday when she can expect to go home, so today Dr Miller committed to having Jenn out of here before Thanksgiving week.  So more great news!

We have been talking about getting a puppy, since that is what Jenn wants more than anything right now... So we think we are going to get a Boxer puppy sometime in the next few weeks.  We already picked out a name and it is "Buster".

I am trying to get the "Bald Boys" pics added to the site today as Mike and Tucker clearly had there heads shaved before me, so I want to make sure they are represented on the blog as well.  What a great extended family I have... VERY SUPPORTING AND VERY LOVING!!

For anyone looking to send something to Jenn, at this point I would send them to the house address.  If you need that address, just please send me an e-mail to and I will provide that for those who need it.

Much Love from Room 4912!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday November 6th, 2011

Just in case anyone forgot... Daylight savings was last night and thus you should have set your clocks back an hour.  If you didn't, I don't claim to know you... HAHA

Jenn had a great day yesterday, even though she lost at Rummy for the second straight day to me.  In all seriousness, Jenn had a great day and walked around the hospital floor on three separate occasions.  Jenn now knows were the sky bridge is to another building, so she likes to hang-out there and watch the ambulances come and go from the ER drop off area.

Jenn is going to receive platelets today, which is totally normal at this point to receive them every other day.  This helps with clotting and without the platelets Jenn tends to get bloody noses or her gums will bleed; so they are quite necessary.

We cannot wait to watch the Bills game on TV today, since the Panthers are on a bye week, we actually get to see a Bills game on TV for the first time this year... WooHoo!

Jenn would like to thank Lisa and Joe for the books, warm socks and useful toiletries.  I will have to start to post some pictures on the blog as we have the "bald boys" pics and the room full of spirit (All of the gifts and cards, plus balloons) which all of the nurses comment on.  The outcry of support is humbling and we sooo appreciate it!

God Bless and Much Love from Room 4912!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Saturday November 5th, 2011

Jenn is feeling great today, she cannot wait to get out of here already.  Jenn was just sitting in a chair when I arrived, so she is getting back into her daily routines like showering, painting her finger nails, etc.

The Dr told us yesterday that Jenn's body is already producing white blood cells and that this type of recovery actually puts her ahead of schedule, so there is a small possibility that Jenn could get released next weekend.  :)

Jenn would like to thank Linda for her Sabres Socks and Buffalo necklace as well as Kathryn for sending the funny candy cigarettes (I haven't seen those since I was a little kid) and the Mad Libs and various fun books as well as the leopard ring.  I think she might use the ring against a nurse or hospital staff employee when she gets mad... That thing could really do some damage!!

Other than that, Jenn and I are going to take our daily "Tour De'Floor" walk to make sure she keeps the blood moving and keeps on trucking.  I just keep singing that Edward Sharp and the Magnetic Zeroes song "Home" in my head because it won't be long before Jenn is home and enjoying her freedom yet again.

Much Love from Room 4912!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday November 4th, 2011

Jenn is feeling a little blah today as her Hemoglobin was at 7 and that means it is time for a blood transfusion.  The Chemo really knocks the crap out of you both physically and emotionally, so Jenn should perk right up after this transfusion here this morning.  Other than that, Jenn and I are awaiting a visit from the doctor, but seeing as where we got some exceptional news yesterday, I think we are now on the last to visit list for Dr Miller.  Good thing for sure, but just makes for a longer morning in anticipation of his arrival and news for the day.  We always want to hear what Jenns white blood cell count is for the day as she needs to get over 1 to be released from the hospital and she was at .9 yesterday and steadily climbing since she hit rock bottom at .6 a few days ago.

Jenn will still be in the hospital for at least 10 days, if not two weeks, so I am trying to keep Jenn's mind off of the length of the stay and just focusing on each day as it arrives.  Jenn is watching movies and reading a lot, so she has plenty to keep her occupied.

We would like to thank Grandma Jodi for the lovely red sweater; Jenn just adores it and cannot wait to wear it out for a dinner.  Also, Kelly and Erik sent Jenn some great reading materials and an awesome Buffalo Sabres Gnome.  Thanks To Kirbi for the great puzzle books as well, these are keeping Jenn busy when she is feeling bored.

Thanks to everyone that follows the blog and for all of the great comments and well wishes we have both received from the onset of this Leukemia.  I am a firm believer in God and all that he provides and grant us each and every day.  While I know I joke a lot, I am very spiritual but not so much religious; that doesn't mean that I don't pay respect to God all of the time and he certainly deserves much praise and adoration for the miracle he has delivered so far to my wife, life partner and best friend.  Keep praying for Jenn, we have only cleared the first of many hurdles so this journey will continue for a while.

Much Love from Room 4912!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thursday November 3rd, 2011


We just found out that Jenn's bone marrow looks "clean" per Dr Miller's analysis and the lab results.  :)

Now while this is positive news, they did see some blasts in the marrow, but they appear to be recovery blasts and not the Leukemic blasts at all.  So at this point, Jenn will be in the hospital for another 2 weeks or so just to ensure that she is strong enough to go home.

There will still be another bone marrow biopsy (Jenn's least favorite and most painful procedure) before she goes home to officially declare this cancer in remission.  Jenn will also need another short round of Chemo once she goes home, but the next round is only 5 days and is always part of the out patient therapy for Leukemia.  We are sooo excited and quite relieved, but we also know that this road is still long and that home therapy will last 5-6 months with weekly check-ups, etc.

Wow, did I tell everyone that Jenn's bone marrow looks clean!!!  :) :) :)  I still cannot believe it and I am so happy that they were able to catch this in one treatment so far!!! YIPPEE!!

We will also be waiting for the genetic testing to come back as well, once those results are received they will be able to determine if Jenn needs the bone marrow transplant or not.  Tucker, we haven't heard the results yet from your test for a match, but we hope to get those by the early next week.

Jenn asked Dr Miller if she can have a glass of Champagne, he just laughed and failed to give a response... So I am going to get some sparkling champagne today and have a little non alcoholic celebration with Jenn this afternoon.

Keep Jenn is your prayers as we are not totally out of the woods by any means, but this was basically the best news we could have hoped to receive and we are very happy for that!!

Lots of Love from Room 4912!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday November 2nd, 2011

Well it's official, the bone marrow biopsy was taken just minutes ago and Jenn is feeling good.  Dr Miller did a fantastic job and allowed me to stay in the room during the procedure.  Jenn is unreal in regards to her pain threshold.  She barely winced during the entire procedure and considereing they take a hollow needle and twist it and twist it and twist it until it taps the hip bone to take a marrow sample; she really is nothing short of amazing!!

The doctor warned me that Jenn might wiggle and scream, but she just kept slowly breathing and made it through the procedure like it was a jagerbomb at the end of a good night out drinking... all in stride!  :)

We might get results today, but more than likely the results will come tomorrow morning when we see Dr Miller next.  He did mention if the results came back today by 5PM that he would stop over and tell us the news either way.

One small concern today was that a single blast showed up in Jenn's blood samples from yesterday and today, but Dr Miller said that could just be an early recovery blast and sometimes those are normal in Leukemics.  Either way, the bone marrow will tell us everything we need to know.  As long as the blasts in the marrow are low or zero, then Jenn is through phase one.  If there are a lot of blasts in the marrow, then we will be starting the second round of Chemo.

I have been reading up a lot lately on Chemo treatments and most of time a second round of Chemo is almost a certainty, so we are ready for the results either way.

Jenn did receive a book yesterday called "The Last Time I was Me" and whoever sent the book was not listed... So if you sent this great book can you please throw us a comment so we know who to thank; appreciate it!!

Jenn's room is now decorated in all of the cards and well wishes she has been receiving, they really make Jenn feel amazing and all of the nurses and staff love to see the wall of cards grow each day.  Thank you soooo much to everyone who has sent cards and gifts, we truly appreciate them all and someday hope to support you as much as you have supported us.  :)

Much Love from Room 4912!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tuesday November 1st, 2011

Good news!!  Jenn is going to have her bone marrow biopsy tomorrow and we should have the results back on Wednesday or Thursday.

Even better news... Jenn most likely won't need a bone marrow transplant after all.  Dr Miller has decided as long as the bone marrow biopsy comes back negative that he would pass on the bone marrow transplant for now.  Basically the bone marrow transplant would be a last resort if the leukemia came out of remission.  Then they would perform the marrow transplant and put Jenn through Chemo again.  It is much better to save that transplant for a time when it would be absolutely necessary and I agree with Dr Miller on this move 100%.

Jenn is crazy excited today and for good reason.  Her appetite has been great and her attitude couldn't be finer.  I know I must sound like a broken record at this point, but Jenn is "strong like bull" and really has been inspirational, motivational and just plain outstanding through this journey so far.

Thanks to everyone who mentioned the positive attitude and frame of mind, as Jenn has truly been exhibiting those traits and continues to be a beacon of strength and courage.

We both are really looking forward to tomorrows test and even more so the results.  I refer to this part of the journey as reaching the initial peak... We have almost climbed the mountain to what we believe is the peak; but until we reach the top, we have no idea what else might be in-store.

Keep Jenn in your thoughts and prayers as this clearly isn't over; but certainly is looking better and better each and every day.

Much Love from Room 4912!!