Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Monday, Monday...ahh...ahh...Monday Monday...

Hope you like my choice of song for the morning, it seems to always pop into my head on Mondays.  Today I'm going to visit Dr. Miller, I was sick all weekend.  and I actually felt nausea, I haven't felt that in a long time.  Mostly, I just slept I was really tired and it was the only thing that made me feel better.  Poor Eric, had a lonely weekend but I kept checking on me to make sure I was okay.

Hopefully, it's nothing, I almost feel like it's a summer cold cause I have a runny nose.  I don't know, it's annoying to be sick on the weekend.  Today I'm feeling better, Buster and I just got back from our walk.  He jumped in the lake again and found a piece of bark.  He played with that bark for a good 15 minutes.  Throwing it, playing soccer with it chasing it, whatever he could do to keep catching it in his mouth.

Well the doctor just called and they can get me in so I'm out.  Much love from 6119.

Friday, July 27, 2012


TGIF!  I hope your day is going by quickly and nicely.  Ours is good so far, went on our walk as usual but this time Buster took off.  I found him with two other dogs, luckily their owners held on to him for me.  We had met before so they recognized Buster, calling him tiger stripes.  It scared me, one minute I could see him the next he was gone.  I was in a panic, I'm a little angry at Buster because he has been ignoring his commands.  

Today we are going to work real hard on all the commands because the Dog Wizard trainer is coming to check up on us tomorrow.  I don't want to feel like a failure.  He does really well 90% of the time.  I definitely understand that if you give him an inch he'll take a foot.  I do not want him to loose his training, we did not pay for this to last only a few weeks.  

Now, he is in a down position, which means he can't move until I say so.  Only problem is he has become very vocal and likes to whine.  I do my best to ignore him but he doesn't shut up.  Despite all of this I still love him to pieces and he's still a really good dog especially compared to most.  

We met a woman named Wanda today, she loves Boxers so she had to come say hello.  She said "Boxers are really loyal, even though all dogs are loyal because their name is God backwards. but Boxers are extra loyal."  I'd never heard the God spelled backwards thing before, it was cute.  Buster certainly is loyal, especially to me.  

Tonight we are going for Thai food with Linda and Bob Williams.  We are looking forward to getting together and to enjoying some excellent food!  We haven't had Thai since I was in the Charlotte hospital.  I hope it's not to crowded, I still have to be careful around crowds but it's a small restaurant so hopefully we'll be okay.  Well that's it for today, hope you have a fantastic Friday! Peace out my friends.   

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thursday....almost to the weekend!

Good morning!  Today, Buster showed me he can swim!  We went on our usual walk down to the lake, Eric showed him a spot he can drink out of the lake so he did this, all of a sudden he just walked right in.  He waded out of the water but then he ran and jumped right in, I think he thought it would be shallow but he went all the way under.  He popped up and started dog paddling, I wish I could have caught it on video but by the time I got the camera out he was finished.

So we played awhile to let him dry off, it was hot so that didn't take long.  Then he took off down by the water, I used his remote collar but it did nothing, we forgot to charge it last night so it must have been dead.  Luckily, Buster came back but it wasn't as easy to keep him in check without the remote.  It's a frequency collar that taps him on the shoulder when you need to get his attention.  When it works he's amazing, when it doesn't he lets his puppy intuition take over.  Which is fine, I want him to have fun and be a puppy but it limits how much freedom I can give him when I don't have the collar to back me up.

Last night, I think I experienced my first ever migraine.  Wow, it sucked.  I couldn't leave the dark, quiet of our bedroom, I think I was in bed by 7:00.   I feel better today thankfully. So Daddy and Buster had a boys night, which is good they need time just the two of them.  Right now Buster follows me everywhere so Daddy feels left out.  Buster loves his Daddy just as much as his Mommy.  We are one happy family.

Well that's it for today, have a beautiful day!  Much love from 6119.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Hump Day

Early morning down pour and a light rain, that didn't keep us from our daily walk.  Buster and I took a wet walk and he loved playing in the mud.  For some reason he decided to run around like a crazy dog all on his own.  Jumping over steps and sliding down hills while he ran circles around the trees.  I love it when he does this, he exercises himself.  I just watch, laugh and try not to get run over.

After that I finally booked Eric's root canal he's been needing it done for awhile.  Between me getting sick and his traveling it's been hard to schedule, but now we are all set.  He will be glad to get it over with.  I hate having anything done to my teeth so I do not envy him, I feel for him.

Now, we are waiting on laundry and getting ready to make lunch.  Another exciting day in the life of Jenn Pyjas and Buster Pyjas.  Although, last night, I did go out to dinner with my friend Jen, she and I used to work together.  It was so fun to catch up and hang out, we haven't seen each other since October.  She is doing well and we were both happy to swap stories and enjoy some yummy Olive Garden.

Ugh, I have to vent about my arm.  For some reason whenever I swallow cold liquids I get a 'brain freeze' feeling in my left forearm.  It's horrible and it happens every time I swallow!  I hate it, I feel like I have some wires crossed in my arm.  The doctors can't explain it or treat it, so I'm left to suffer.  It literally makes me need to rub my arm like I'm warming it up.  Weird stuff that happens to you when you go through cancer and a bone marrow transplant.

Well the dryer buzzed so it's time to go.  I hope you have a quick and joyful hump day!  Peace out my friends.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Hot, hot, hot and humid!  We just went for a quick family walk and we are all sweating and tired now.  Buster is passed out on the floor, no water just sleep.  Eric immediately got back to work and hasn't been off the phone since.  I'm trying to motivate myself to clean house but I'm not doing very well.

Not much is going on today, just a typical Tuesday.  We did wake up to a gigantic box at our door it was an Epson printer for the house.  Buster thought the box was just for him, we could have fit him in the box if we wanted.  Instead he pushed it around for awhile and gnawed on some card board before I took it away from him.

His scars are healing but I did find another bite on his ear.  I'm still fuming mad at that stupid place, Best Friends Pet Care.  I will continue to spread the word on why not to go there.

In worldly news, I'm still saddened and shocked by the shootings in Colorado.  It's been a tough summer for that state when you add this to the fires they have had all summer.  My prayers and good thoughts go out to the state as a whole.

Well I better get moving or this house will never be clean.  Happy Tuesday to you all, may it be a fantastic day.  Much love from 6119.

Monday, July 23, 2012


It is hot outside and Buster and I are spent from our walk. We typically go in the mornings but I was sick this morning so we didn't go til mid day.  Buster is sick too, he came home from the kennel with something because he's been lethargic and puking.  We think he passed it on to me since I've been feeling sick since yesterday.  I finally feel better now but it was definitely rough this morning.

We had a lazy day yesterday since I felt so bad.  I still took Buster for his walk and he was super tired when we were done.  We knew something was wrong when he wouldn't play fetch.  It's confirmed we are going to try the pet sitter route for future trips.  Buster has had his fill of getting sick and bit!

Tomorrow, I'm going to Olive Garden with Jen and Mandy, we worked together at Bright Horizons.  I haven't seen them since they visited me in the Charlotte hospital.  I'm really looking forward to catching up and laughing with friends.  Not to mention bread sticks and salad!  Yummy!  Eric and I are planning on going out with our friends Bob and Linda this Friday so my restaurant quota will be met this week!  I love eating out and with friends.

Well I guess that's all I've got for today.  Need to go spend sometime studying then I can paint!  You like that?  Give myself a little reward for studying, it's the only way to get my butt into gear.  Peace out, from 6119.   

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday, Sunday

Hello friends and family!  Eric and I woke up early for a coffee ride, it was beautiful, no traffic, no drama. Just good music, pretty scenery and Dunkin Donuts coffee.  When we got home we enjoyed Bavarian cream donuts.  It was the perfect Sunday morning.

Yesterday, we relaxed after coming home from Greenville.  I picked up Buster from Best Friends Pet Care.  I got him home and immediately noticed he had two gashes on his face.  It's mainly where his hair had been pulled out, so I called the center right away.  They tell me, "oh it must have been from the golden retriever he was playing with...you know Buster plays really hard and they kept biting each other."

Wow.  I couldn't believe she was telling me this like it was no big deal.   I mean, I may be an over protective mama who spoils my dog but I don't think it's right for my pup to come home with two gashes from pet day care or boarding.  Unacceptable.  If they would have told me upfront, I would not be as judgmental.  It's just like with kids, you don't wait for the parent to notice a scratch or a boo boo, you tell them up front.  Needless to say we will not be going back there again.

So now my handsome baby has scars on his face.  I keep calling him Scar or Scar Face, I only hope the golden retriever has a few gashes of his own.  Eric thinks they will heal and perhaps I'm being a little over dramatic.  I just want to know Buster is okay, I can't imagine if he was pissed or hurt, just sitting there at the kennel waiting to go home.  I felt awful.

Anyway, still feeling good and healthy, no major problems.  I had a lot of fun in Greenville with our friends Shannon and Jason.  Plus, it was nice to meet the wonderful people at Synnex who came to the ball game.  It was a good crew of people and we all enjoyed the game, even though it got rained out.  

Well that's it for today.  I hope you all are having a fantastic weekend.  Much love from 6119.

Friday, July 20, 2012

It's Friday!!!

Hello all, I hope you are having a beautiful morning.  I'm sure you are looking forward to the weekend. I know I am!  We are going to a Greenville Drive baseball game tonight!  I am so excited to see my friends Jason and Shannon.  We love to get together and it's been awhile.  It will be my first baseball game in a long time.  Hopefully, it doesn't get rained out.

Buster and I just came back from our morning walk.  Every day we do about thirty minutes of training followed by thirty minutes of fun.  That is unless Buster gets to tired which tends to happen.  I'm so proud of him, he does all his commands like a pro.  Yesterday, I took him to the nearby four mile green way, a lot of people and dogs walk or run this daily.  He did awesome, he kept his heel going no matter who crossed our paths.  He even met some friends by being a polite dog, he got in the down position and let them come to him.  I couldn't have been happier.  Plus, he loves riding around in the car with me after the walk I got him some ice chips and a Dr. Pepper for me.  He licked the cup dry by the time we got home.

Buster is going to a new kennel for the night, Best Friends Pet care.  Since he's a new dog the first night is free so as long as we pick him up by noon tomorrow it won't cost us a thing.  He'll get four hours of group play and supposedly there are several boxers boarding this weekend.  I know he'll have fun plus, he's already tired so he should sleep well tonight.  The place we usually take him was full so I hope he likes this place just as much.

In other news, there's not much to report...  I'm feeling great, I puked once yesterday but it was minor but no problems this morning.  It's a little odd to give a puke report so sorry if that bothers you.  At least it's not something worse!  Like a catheter report or something!  Yikes!

So enjoy this day and have a rockin' weekend.  Peace out my friends!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Super Tuesday

Hello Friends and Family!  It's a super Tuesday here, nothing exciting planned or elections to be held, just liked the sound of Super Tuesday.  We really have nothing on the agenda so who knows what today will bring.

Tomorrow, I'm eating lunch with an old friend. She a d I worked at the worst recruitment agency ever.  It was more like a information agency, they just pick the brains of out of work people to find out names and contacts at different businesses, in order to turn them into clients.  It was horrible working there, I felt dirty and shady.  Luckily, she doesn't work there anymore.  I was fired after three weeks because I wasn't collecting enough contact data.  Oh well, we now know that I had other plans to fulfill.

Still feeling good, no major issues today.  My hair is really starting to come back, I use shampoo again!  I don't think you can see it in pictures yet but it's growing!  Last night I had dreams I was brushing my hair and putting it into up do's.  Weird to dream about hair, but man it felt good to run my fingers through it, even if it wasn't real.

Well since there's nothing to report, I guess I'll sign off.  Enjoy the day and do something nice for yourself.  :)  Much love from 6119.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday Monday

Hello all, I hope your day is going well.  Mine is going great, nothing exciting just a regular old day but I'm happy.  Buster is still being super dog and I am loving all the time we spend together.  It's a miracle how well he behaves now.  All seems to be well for my Dad's dog Andy, he has been getting lots of love from his many admirers.

Nothing new on the health report, still feeling really good but this morning I got sick.  It was nothing major, just my normal morning puke.  I ran up to Dr. Miller's to give a urine sample, I've been still having a few problems.  Although it's nothing big in the big scheme of things.

I'm finally getting down to business with the studying.  Daily sessions, as much as I hate it at least I'm learning stuff or relearning really.  I heard from an old friend I worked with here in Charlotte so we'll get together this week.  I'm looking forward to seeing her and going out.

Nothing else going on, just a regular Monday, back to the daily grind.  Keep smiling, it makes the day go by nicer.  :)  Much love from 6119.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sunday Funday

Hello friends and family, I hope your weekend has been awesome.  Mine has been great!  I cannot believe the change in Buster he is wonderful, he is calm and submissive, he pays attention to me and my commands.  We just got back from a walk and it was so peaceful. I hardly need the leash, it just lies slack in between us as we walk along.  We saw a dog, he got excited but immediately went in to sit when told.  I feel fabulous and my dog is fabulous.  I just want to take Buster everywhere and show him off.

Once I'm completely confident in his skills, we are going down to the city to take pictures of him in random beautiful places.  The trainer told me he is completely confident in Buster's skills I just have to trust them.  So far I do, it's amazing how much nicer our relationship is with him.  He is with us constantly but not driving us crazy, just being a part of our daily life which is how it's supposed to be.

In health news, I'm still feeling wonderful, I haven't puked in days and I've gained 3 lbs.  I told Eric, I don't want to be skin and bones, I want my butt back.  He laughed and said soon enough.  My hair is really coming in now, I spend a lot of time petting my head.  I'm sure people think it's weird but I like the feel of my hair, it's soft and fuzzy.

Well that's it for today, I'm finally, slowly picking up my pencil and paper, I should be painting soon.  Can't wait to have a well behaved dog while I paint.  I'm sure he'll try to get into a little trouble but now I can correct his habits before they become problems.  Yay!  I can't wait to start taking him around town, we'll be walking a lot more to different places.  If I can get him to sit or stay in a 'place' command it would be awesome.  The place command gets him to sit up on a different height or texture and he won't move from that area.  Like on the porch, he sat in our chairs not moving while we hung out with the dog trainer.  It's awesome, I highly recommend the Dog Wizard.

In sad doggy news, Buster's uncle Andy was attacked by two dogs recently in Wichita, KS.  Andy is a very lovable lab who wouldn't hurt a soul.  Dad and he sit out on the front porch almost every night.  Well on the eve of Friday the 13th, two stray dogs a bull mastiff and a boxer/mastiff mix came and attacked Andy.

Dad was trying to help the dogs, checking for collars when they just attacked.  Andy is doing well but he spent the night in a hospital!  Amazingly, Dad and a dog catcher caught the two dogs so no one else can get hurt. So sad and I hate to hear a Boxer was involved, thank goodness he wasn't full bred or I would really be sad.  I can't imagine Buster attacking anything but if raised the wrong way you never know what could happen.

Anyway, that's it for now.  Enjoy the weekend and take care of your loved ones.  Family and friends make life wonderful.  Much love from 6119.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Super Buster!

Buster comes home today, supposedly in six minutes.  We are getting a family lesson and then he'll be all ours once again.  I can't wait!  We have the house all cleaned and his crate is clean with all his toys ready for him.  It turned out that our friends from Greenville weren't able to come up as their event was canceled thanks to the rain.  So Eric and I enjoyed our first quiet Friday night at home in awhile.  It was nice.

Now we are ready to have our baby back and check out all his new tricks.  I'll let you know how it goes.  In health news, I'm feeling great no problems and no puking!  Yay!  Hope you all have a fantastic day!

Peace out!

Friday, July 13, 2012


Happy Friday everyone!  I am so thrilled because Buster comes home tomorrow at noon!  I can't wait to see him and see all the things he has learned.  I've seen lots of pics of his training and he is doing everything they said he would.  Walk while heeling, staying put, coming when called, all of this on leash and off.  It's going to be pretty amazing having a well trained dog.

So I went to Duke yesterday, Dr. Horwitz identified the reason I've been sick.  It's because of an antibiotic I just started taking, it's too strong for my system.  So we stopped it and I feel great!  Not only did he stop that medicine but another one too, they were my big horse pills so I am relieved.  Next month I'll be lowering doses again so hopefully I can get rid of some more pills.  I feel so much better now and am relieved to know my sickness was an easy fix.

We have friends from Greenville coming to stay with us tonight.  We are going to the Charlotte Motor Speedway to watch them race in one of the racing experiences they offer.  Shannon, Jason and their daughters Addie and Morgan are all coming to the house.  It should be nice, and it will be nice to entertain.  Oh and Mom, you will be happy to know I finally bought new sheets for the guest room.  No more holy sheets!

Not much else is new, just studying and cleaning.  Still working on ridding our house of excess stuff.  I'll be heading out to Goodwill again today.  I rearranged our bar in the kitchen and have now added the record player stereo that Colby and Angelica gave me.  It's perfect because now I have music in the kitchen and a radio for Buster when we go out.  I have to say the house is looking pretty nice and it's clean, which is refreshing.

Well hope this day flies by for you and it's on to the weekend!  Take care and enjoy the day.  Much love from 6119.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day whatever....

I'm back, did you miss me?  Honestly, I kind of forgot about writing the blog while I was on vacation.  We were in Buffalo for the 4th of July.  It was great to see our family and friends and escape the hundred degree weather in Charlotte.  Ironically, it was hot in Buffalo nearing 90!  This was my first trip since the bone marrow transplant.  It was good to get out of Charlotte and visit some of my old hang outs.  I did have a little trouble with my stomach while I was there.  I've struggled for awhile now but according to my cancer friends this is all part of the routine when you've had super strong chemo.  One source told me it took two years after treatment for all the side effects to go away.  So I'll deal with my puking and stomach issues and be happy to be alive.

Today, I'm heading up to Duke to see Dr. Horwitz and company.  My appointment isn't until two which is awesome because I need to get the house cleaned up.  First, Buster is coming home for a visit today.  I'm not sure if I wrote about this but Buster is at Doggy Camp / Obedience school, at a place called the Dog Wizard.  He comes home officially on Saturday but today they do a test run without us home to make sure he still follows the commands he has learned at home.  The Dog Wizard has been keeping me updated and Buster is doing awesome, he's the perfect student.  So when he returns I'm going to have Super Buster!  I'll spare you the details, as some people think I write to much about Buster on the blog.  :)  I can't help it, he's my baby!

In other news, I must give a HUGE THANK YOU to Pam, Jim, Alice & Bob for treating Eric and I to dinner!  They sent us a beautiful card painted with trees (my favorite) along with some $$ to go out to dinner.  So nice, we really appreciated your thoughtfulness and generosity.

Another HUGE THANK YOU goes out to my girl Kristina Acuna, otherwise known as K-Dogg!  Kristina sent me the most beautiful scarf.  It's perfect for summer and as I've mentioned before Kristina has excellent taste.  So thanks girl I love it!

Sorry for the delayed thank you's.  We didn't get home until late Sunday and I was pretty sick on Monday and Tuesday.  I actually slept most of the day on Tuesday, waking up to puke or visit the bathroom.  I never knew you could puke without anything in your stomach.  I was actually puking up stomach bile.  Nice, sorry if that is too much info.

Well that's it for today, better finish up my cleaning tasks!  Hope you all are well and happy.  It's good to be back on the blog.  Much love from 6119.