Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 91

First day of truly being free!  I don't have to go back to the clinic until Tuesday!  Until then I'm free.  We woke up this morning with the goal of packing up as much stuff as possible, in hopes of making it home tonight.  We'll see, it's not like we have a lot of stuff we just need to pack it up and see what fits in the cars.

My stomach actually feels alright today.  I stopped taking the medicine that was supposed to help me and it seems like it might have been a part of the problem.  It's refreshing to feel no discomfort, let's see how long it lasts.  Gosh, I still have so much medicine.  Luckily, I spoke to one of the nurse practitioners, Jill, she accepts donated medicine and supplies which she takes to Romania.  I was relieved to hear that because I would hate to throw away medicine, and I have a lot that I don't need anymore.  Plus,  I have more hospital supplies than I know what to do with.  Jill will take those off my hands too. She told me the gypsies will be very thankful.  You know I love gypsies so I'm happy to help!  Too bad I can't take it there myself I would love to visit Romania and hang out with the gypsies

I forgot to mention yesterday that they stopped my micafungin IV.  Guess, they figure my lungs must be perfect by now.  I did take a chest x-ray yesterday so it should look clean.  I'm just so glad they let me go. They really worked hard yesterday to get all my discharge paperwork together, they even set up my next appointment to see Dr. Miller.  I will go to him for check ups so I don't have to drive up to Duke as often. Originally, they told me I would have to come back every week.  It looks like it won't be that bad.  Plus, the longer I'm out the less visits I'll have to come back for.

I just removed my medical wrist band, I've worn one of these almost every day since February 21.  It's so cool because my body is free of attachments and bandages.  I can't wait to take a shower this morning without using saran wrap!  I might stay in there forever!  Except of course I'll need to get packing!  So with that I'm going to sign off.  Thank you all for your continued support, it's helped me get through all of this.  It has made me realize how blessed I am to have so many wonderful people in my life.  I hope you all have a beautiful day!  Much love from 302.

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