Friday, May 25, 2012

Day 86

As I wrote today's post title as day 86, I realized I was hoping to be out of here by this day.  They say expect to be here for 90 days but I was hoping to be an early release.  This stupid polyoma virus has messed up my whole plan.  Oh well, that's life.  I do have some fabulous news, I don't have a catheter anymore!  Yay, no more pee bag!  Since they took the catheter out I didn't have to be irrigated so today we got out of the clinic at 11:30, that's the earliest I've ever left there.  Plus, I don't have to go back to the clinic again until Monday!

Now the doctors are saying they hope I can be released early next week.  That would be great!  They just have to decide if they are going to continue my IV medicine.  If they decide to keep me on it then I'll have to keep my PICC line in but if not they will remove it before I am released.  It will be the first time since October that I won't have some sort of port attached to my body.  So it will only be my bald head that will make me look like I'm sick.  Even though I'm not sick anymore!  Well okay, I have the occasional puking and I have to be careful not to get sick since my immune system is still growing, after all it's only 86 days old, but I'm not sick.

Poor Grandma got to witness me puking last night.  I don't know what got in to me but I puked twice and couldn't eat anything passed lunch.  I slept most of the evening and I feel better now so I guess it was just a fluke.  I did eat a lot of fruit but that's pretty normal for me.  Hopefully, that's the worse thing that Grandma will have to deal with.  As much as I would like to throw out my puke buckets I have a feeling a may need them again randomly.  Even though I'm about to be released from Duke, I'll still have bad days, I may get run down and it's imperative that I don't get sick, that's why I'll have to be so careful about germs.

Well that's all I have for today...whoa I just heard today is national wine day!  Too bad I can't celebrate, that sounds like my kind of party.  Unfortunately, wine and all alcohol are off limits for a year.  Yikes.  Let's hope this year goes by fast.  :) Peace out from apartment 302.

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