Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hello everyone, I want to say thanks to all of you who still read the blog every day.  It's kind of cool to know that you follow my days, it makes me feel closer to you and it's easy to keep every one updated.  I'm feeling a little better today, I will say this recovery has been harder than the last time.  I guess it's to be expected since the more chemo you get the harder it is for your body to recover.  I had a rough night again major night sweats.  I was fine the first part of the night because I didn't sleep with the comforter but I always cave, I like to be bundled up.  But then I wake up soaking in sweat and it sucks.  Plus, I go to the bathroom about three times a night now.  Poor Eric and Buster I'm sure they wake up every time I do.

I'm super excited because I had the chance to catch up with my best friend Melanie and she is going to come for a visit in February!  Yippie, she hasn't been to Charlotte and Eric and I are both happy to have her visit.  Plus, she gets to meet Buster who I know she'll love.  Plus, my mom is coming at the end of this month.  That will be fun, both trips will be planned for the end of my recovery so we can go out and do stuff.  Perhaps, my girl Jaidee can come out for a visit too and then I would really be spoiled.

So three times yesterday my phone decided to turn off and reboot.  I'm so over this phone and am dying for the iphone.  Jaidee says the Samsung galaxy is pretty cool but I already use itunes and think it would be easier to transition to something I already use.  Eric keeps telling me I can get one but not until I'm not nutrapenic anymore. Yesterday, I tried to convince him that I needed to go run some errands and he was like um no because you are nutrapenic.  At least he's taking care of me and watching out for me.

I'm a pretty lucky girl, I'm married to my best friend, I have the best dog and I don't have to work which is nice.  Although fighting cancer is a job in itself, I mean I spend three days a week at the hospital not counting the monthly chemo visits.  I've been trying to convince Eric that I shouldn't go back to work in general.  He does not agree with me and says he would rather be the stay at home parent, should we be blessed with a child.  It's weird to think before all this happened that all I could think about was having a child and now I have to focus on getting well before we can even try again.

One of my close friends from Baylor is pregnant, I'm so happy for her.  She's part of my group of girls we call ourselves "The Core" cause we are the core group of a big group of friends.  So we will finally have the first Core offspring.  It's a girl which is perfect because Melissa is the most glamorous girl and she will have the best dressed baby. She also owns a very cool boutique so she always has the latest fashions.

Well that's it for today, I hope you all enjoy my random ramblings.  Much love from the Infusion room.

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