Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thursday, January 12, 2012

It's Thursday, that means Eric will be home tonight!  Yay, Buster and I both miss him and look forward to having the whole family together again.  Buster and I just went for a walk and now he's passed out which is the planned result so that I can finally take down the Christmas decorations.  It's a nice sunny day so we were able to go for an early walk.  We walked to the lake and we sat down to chill out for a bit before taking the long way home.   I took lots of photos because I'm obsessed with my dog. I hope you enjoy them since I'll be posting them here and probably on facebook as well.

I've already got the Christmas village taken down, now, I'll turn my focus to the tree.  It's kind of nice having Buster asleep, I can get a lot of stuff done.  Yesterday, it rained all day and I was pretty tired, I didn't do to much because I just didn't have the energy that I do today.  I've been working on a new art project so that's keeping me busy.  I'm making an Owl Project similar to the Bird Project.  I've already drawn most of the owls, I just need to color them in, which is the fun part.  Speaking of owls, I am posting a picture of me wearing mt owl hat, this is for you Grandma.  My step mom Carole gave this one to me, it's super warm and cute.  Thankfully, Buster is not too embarrassed to walk with me when I wear this hat.

So in health news I've been dealing with the side effects of chemo.  I'm loosing my eyelashes which sucks.  Luckily, my friend Jaidee thought of this and already sent me a couple of pairs of fake lashes, I was hoping I wouldn't have to use them.  I'm also dealing with horrible night sweats, which is bad for my dressing since it is not supposed to get wet.  I literally wake up soaked in sweat, which causes a catch 22 because you are instantly cold once the air hits your wet skin so you want to cover up but that increases the sweating....oh the joys of chemo.  But I guess if these are the only side effects I will deal with, then I'm lucky.

Well that's it for me today.  I better get back on task, I want to give Eric a clean house to come home too. I hope you all have a great day.  Love from 6119.

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