Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thursday, January , 2011

Today has been a rough day, I've puked about four times and haven't been able to eat anything at all.  I guess the chemo is hitting me harder this time.  It sucks because all I want to do is be at home, but I can't be.  poor Eric is having to juggle work and Buster.  Buster is acting up because he's not used to being alone, I have spoiled him and poor Eric is dealing with his attitude.  I can only hope Buster will get used to the idea of being alone sooner rather than later.

So please pray for Eric, Buster and for my nausea, we need some help.  It might have been a bad idea to get a new puppy during this time but he makes my heart so happy and I know he does the same for Eric.  He's just a big responsibility.  I know in time it will all work out it's just frustrating hearing Eric stressed knowing I can't do anything to help.

Sorry for the downer blog, it's hard to stay optimistic all the time.  Going back to sleep now, signing off from room 4921.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you and hoping things get better so soon. Xo
