Saturday, January 14, 2012

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Well our Friday the 13th was pretty normal, no news to report.  Buster's vet visit went well, he weighs 13 lbs and the vet said he is going to be a big dog.  Of course, the vet thought he was beautiful and everyone loved him, he was a good dog too, no biting or barking.  After getting his shots he was tired all day, the vet said it would be like a mini vacation for us and it was.  Buster slept all day and we got things done.  The vet told us we weren't feeding Buster enough, so we increased his food size but he got sick overnight.  The poor guy ate all of it that he could but I vacuumed the rest up this morning.  I wonder why he got sick and am surprised that neither of us heard him in the middle of the night.

It's another cold day again, we just came home from our weekly visit to Dunkin Donuts and I just finished my glazed donut.  We don't have much on the schedule today.  I plan on finishing my painting, I've been retouching "Flowers" finally adding in the light and dark colors.  I want to buy lots of canvas because I'm in the mood to paint a lot.  I want to be able to go from one project to the next easily.  I've got a plan for two more paintings one with owl's and one with churches.  Plus, I just got a new paint color, magenta so I used it on the flowers that I didn't like it, now they look good.

My Mom has booked a trip to come for a visit.  She is coming at the end of this month so that we can enjoy some time together before I get sick.  It will be right before my next round of chemo so I will be at my strongest and really be able to go out and do stuff.  I'm sure we will go shopping, we love shopping together, it's an art form which both my Grandma and my Mom have been teaching me my whole life.  It will be so much fun, I'm looking forward to her trip.  Buster will love it too, he loves meeting new people and I'm sure his Grandma will love on him just as much as I do.

Well Buster is getting himself in trouble as I type so I better sign off.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, I know we will!  Much love from 6119.


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