Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday, February, 29, 2012

They say it's your Birthday.....that's what the nurses keep singing to me today. They are right it is my new birthday because it's the day my body has been given a second chance to live.  It certainly wasn't an easy morning, they discovered I needed blood and platelets in the middle of the night, they found some liquid in m lungs which was making it hard for me to breathe.  It's become normal that I can't keep food down unless they give me anti-nausea medicine prior to meal time.  Which can be touch because you can't just take it all the time.  So I have now become close friends with my puke bucket and learning that my food will be limited to what they think I can have.  So far I've puked three times today and I haven't even attempted to try dinner.

However, in the good news department my actual bone marrow transplant only took 15 minutes, now all we do is watch how I react and begin treating me with immune suppression drugs to help make my two systems merge into one.  So far the biggest side effect, minus the puking, will be fatigue.   That's why they push so hard for at least one mile walk a day, for now my days of rocking out two miles a day are over but I think I'll get back up there again.  Slowly but surely.  The last three days have been the hardest for me, yet I still pulled a mile a day each day, which makes me feel good.

Well I think I've given enough time for my nausea medicine to kick in so I'm going to attempt dinner.  Thanks for your patience with the inconsistent blog times. Right now I'm at the mercy of my stomach and fatigue.  Thanks for all the love and continued support, I feel your prayer chains working over time and it brings me peace.  Much love from 9215


  1. Happy new birthday! From now on you'll get to celebrate two birthdays and, even better, the celebrations won't include puking! I hope you feel better soon

  2. i love you! you are a super hero my friend! SMOOOOCH! xoxox
