Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Today's the day, I'm officially checked in to the hospital and am in my tiny room.  I know I'm supposed to stay positive but today I just feel sad.  Facing the very small room and the realization that I can't leave this space for at least thirty days is upsetting me.  I hate feeling so restricted and I hate not having any freedom.  I hate knowing that my life for the next three months is going to be ruled by Doctors and nurses and not by what I want.  Plus, being in this small room is kind of like being in a jail cell.

I don't have much else to say, my chemo doesn't start until midnight, so why I had to be here so early is beyond me but I'm learning that hospitals have a way of wasting a lot of time.  I'm sorry if my sour mood is upsetting to you but I'm not sorry for expressing myself.  It's a crappy day and I'm not going to sugar coat it for anyone.

Until tomorrow, love from room 9215.

1 comment:

  1. Jenn, you have been so positive this whole time when so many other people would have not been able to. You are entitled to have a bad, negative, feel sorry for yourself day! You are such an inspiration to so many people and I hope that tomorrow you are feeling better!
