Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012

Well we drove through rain, hail and snow but we finally made it to Durham.  We drove last night and I'm not joking it rained hard and turned into sleet, hail and eventually snow the whole ride.  Buster rode in the crate which was hard because I kind of wanted to have him on my lap like we usually do but it was a 2 and a half hour ride with the bad weather it was better that he wrote in his crate.  We dropped him off at his new home, I cried when I pulled into the house.  I was a complete doting mamma I kept grabbing him and kissing him, telling him I  love him.  He was so excited to meet Keiffer and his new family.  The good thing is there will always be some one home, so Buster will probably be spoiled.

I miss Buster so much, I miss hearing his collar jingle or his snoring, even his whining.  I know it's for the best but it's just hard, he's my baby.  I keep telling myself he is at camp on a vacation and that he'll be having a lot of fun.  It's only three months and when we are reunited he will only be 9 months so he'll still technically be a puppy.  We'll both have an adventure to share with each other.  Plus, the family promised to update me on Facebook with new pictures.

Our new apartment is nice, it is fully furnished with everything we might need and it's big with two bedrooms. The bed is nice and comfy which is a good thing.  I'll though I won't be using it for a month, at least two nights of good sleep is nice.  We are eating Chic-fil-a breakfast and drinking coffee.  We have our first appointment at noon with Dr. Howritz, followed by a new patient class that should last til 2:30.  Then we are done for today, then it will be my last night of freedom.

Sorry for going dark on the blog.  Honestly, it was a super busy weekend filled with fun things so I didn't have time to write the blog.  In a way it was like keeping my last weekend to myself, no offense but sometimes you need time just for yourself.

I found out my Grandpa Ochs died this weekend.  Honestly, it is a blessing as he has lived the last eight years with Alzheimer's and he has not been the man we knew for a long time.  I'm happy to know he is reunited with my Grandma in Heaven.  He was a good man and I have many fond memories of him and my Grandma.  I get my artistic gifts from my Grandma so every time I paint I think of her.  So please think of my family as they say their good byes to a loved one.

I guess that's it for today.  Tomorrow, I'll be checking into the hospital, my new digs for awhile.  Hopefully, all goes well and I'm not too sick.  We'll see how it all goes.  I hope life is treating you well.  Make sure to tell your loved ones how much you love them, you never know when they might not be there anymore.  Much love from 302.

P.S.  Here's our new address:
302 William Penn Plaza #302
Durham, NC 27704.

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