Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday February 27th, 2012

Hi Everyone, Eric is back to posting for Jenn... as she isn't feeling very good at all today.

Jenn started her clinical trial chemo yesterday and beteween that and the other chemo she was already on, she is really not feeling to good at all.  Jenn had a rough day yesterday with both vomiting and well for lack of a better term craping excessively.  The chemo seems to have set in and the nursing staff even had to pull her off of the clinical chemo since she was getting bad headaches and vomiting.  She really is trying to stay in good spirits, but she was all tears and sadness for the first time yesterday since being here at Duke.

Now don't get too excited, the Dr's and nurses have assured me that this is normal and that the days should start to get progressively better in regards to the chemo treatments and how Jenn respondes to them.

Jenn will get weak come the middle of this week and into next week as the Dr's introduce the donors bone marrow on Wednesday.  So the chemo will stop tomorrow night and then Wednesday Jenn will start with the physical bone marrow transplant.  She is resting right now and that makes me happy since she didn't get much rest at all yesterday.

I wish I had something fun to write about, but this is part of the process that gets Jenn back to normal and living life like she used to before this all started.  She is a trooper and will be just fine, but please keep her in your thoughts and prayers as this next two weeks is going to be the toughest part of this journey for Jenn.

The nurses and doctors here are top notch and she even has her own dedicated nurse this past two days that is only taking care of Jenn... So that makes me feel a lot better and should make everyone else feel a lot better too!

Much love from Room 9215!

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