Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day 59

I'm sitting in Clinic right now with two IV's one in each arm, but it will help to shorten my time here.  My nurse said why not have two IV's so we can get things done quicker, as much as I hate getting IV's I jumped at the chance.  The only thing is going to the bathroom might be a little complicated but I'm sure I'll work it out.  At least the IV's aren't in the back of my hands so I can type and have some functionality.

I wasn't able to get a picc line put in yesterday, I'll most likely have to wait until Monday which isn't that far away.  They have to get a clean blood culture showing no bacteria before they will put it in, hopefully they'll get my culture results back today.  Pray for a clean culture.

We dropped Dad off at the airport this morning, he had a 6:00 flight so it was early.  It's always hard to say goodbye but I'm so glad he came.  Dad took good care of me and it was nice to spend so much time together.  It's becoming a tradition for Dad to introduce us to a new show every time we visit.  First it was Dexter, then True Blood and now Grimm.  We stayed up watching episodes with him before bed, it's a cool show right up our alley.

Tomorrow night, my cousin Cynthia will arrive as my next care giver.  It will be nice to have her here.  Until then, Eric and I are enjoying a quiet weekend before he has to travel again.  Next week he goes to Greenville, SC just for a few days but the week after that he'll be home all week so he'll be my care giver.  I'm so thankful for all my care givers, I'm so blessed to have so many people to help us out.

Well that's it for today, typing with two IV's takes a lot more strength than I thought.  I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday.  Peace out from the Clinic.

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