Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day 49

Today, we actually got out of clinic at like 11:00am, so early that we didn't have to pay for parking! I didn't need anything besides my daily medicine, bonus!  Since we had lots of time we went to Arby's for lunch which filled my craving.  Next we went to Sarah P. Duke Gardens which is close to the clinic and it's free.  We went for a thirty minute walk through the gardens, there were hills and Robyn kept the pace pretty fast so it was a good work out.

Now, we are back home and I'm just about to take a quick nap.  Eric is working a reseller show in Raleigh today and then he has to drive to Greenville to visit his account.  He won't be home until Friday evening.  So it's just us girls for a few days.  It's weird to see his stuff gone, he hasn't traveled recently but I'm glad he's able to.  He needs to do what he has to for work, that's why we have caregivers, like Robyn.  I really want to thank all of my caregivers, you help so much and give us the extra help we need, your work is greatly appreciated.

There isn't much to report in the health department.  Except that last night I didn't puke, I made it all day without puking!  This is very good since they are worried about me loosing more weight.   The doctors made me start taking three anti-nausea meds instead of just two.  What's one more medication anyway?!

In closing, I'll leave you with pics of our garden walk.  I hope your day is going well.  Much love from 302.  

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