Monday, April 23, 2012

Day 54

Well Dad and I are sitting at clinic, I still don't know if I'll need any extra blood products or magnesium but my lung IV medicine is already pumping.  If all goes well we will get out of here, find some lunch and then return for the new patient class so Dad can learn all the important stuff.  Once we finish with the clinic we'll go ahead and I'll either nap or we'll go for a walk.

Of course, Dad brought presents so I must give some thank yous.  First of all thank you Dad, Carole and Chase who gave me the acorn charm for my bracelet.  The acorn is retired and for me it stands for my maiden name, Ochs, which most of the time people think it's pronounced Oaks.  Now I have an acorn to remind me of growing up.  Plus, Dad's office put a collection together for us, they sent us quite a bit of cash and a bunch of gift cards to itunes and one to  Thank you very much to the wonderful people at Bank of America, your generosity is touching and greatly appreciated.

Yesterday, Eric and I were on our walk and we saw that the Geese in the pond now have babies.  We didn't see the duck babies so I hope they are okay but there were a lot of baby geese.  We were careful not to get to close as Geese can be pretty aggressive and protective.  They didn't seem to mind us, they were probably hoping we had some bread crumbs to toss to them.  

In health news, I'm still puking at night, it seems like we can't find the right fix but I have faith we'll figure it out eventually.  I haven't seen the doctor yet so I don't have much else to report.

It's turned cold here so walking outside is not as pleasant but I've kept up with my routine.  Hopefully it will warm up soon.  Well I guess that's all for today, I hope you all have a great Monday!  Peace out from the clinic.

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