Monday, April 16, 2012

Day 47

Well today has been a long day of doctors appointments and class.  First, we met with the lung doctor, they were never able to grow anything from my lung biopsy and still have no idea what this fungus in my lungs is.  What they do know is my lungs are getting better and they look clearer on the x-rays.  In a few weeks, I'll have another Cat Scan to make sure everything is really clear.

There was some thought of switching me off my medications which would be good since one is the IV drug, and one is what I call the 'nastiness'.  The only problem is my liver is a little irritated and a new drug could make the irritation worse.  In the end my main doctor, Dr. Horwitz decided not to mess with a good thing since my lungs are improving.  I was kind of bummed because I would like to get a day off from clinic which won't happen until I don't need the IV drug anymore.  Plus, the medicine I call the 'nastiness' is truly disgusting, it's a liquid that I have to take four times a day, it's been known to make me puke.  At least my lungs are getting better, that's what is most important.

Next we went to clinic where I only needed my lung IV medicine but we also stayed for the new patient class.  This way Robyn could hear all the facts that we were taught before we started treatment.  It was a good class for both of us, I asked some questions that I didn't think of before and Robyn asked some good questions as well.

We were at the clinic until about 3:00 but we got to meet with my doctor, nurse practitioner and take the class.  Once we left the clinic we went straight to the DMV.  Robyn, brought up a good question last night, why don't we have a handicapped pass for the car?  While we were at the clinic Robyn talked to the right people and we got approval and a doctors signature to apply for the temporary handicap pass.  So for $10 we were able to get two passes that are good until October.  It's only day 2 and Robyn has already come up with several ideas that we hadn't thought of!

Now, if only we could get our insurance to catch up with our payments and keep things straight, it's not easy keeping up with all the medical bills.  I swear they purposely confuse you in hopes of getting more money out of you.

Well that's it for today, I haven't had a walk or a nap yet so we'll see how the rest of the day goes. I hope you all have had a good start to the week.  Peace out, from 302.

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