Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 55

Well, yesterday was a tough day, while at the clinic I got the chills that literally shake my whole body, it's called riggers.  Next I threw up, and then, Finally  I had a fever of a 100.3, if it were 100.5 or higher they would have kept me and probably check me into the hospital if it didn't get better.  The gave me some antibiotics and took some blood cultures to find out what is going on.  I thought it might be graph vs host disease which they have just started treating me for which is not as horrible as I thought it would be, it's easy to treat and they aren't too concerned.  So we went home with the instruction to check my temperature every hour, if it got to 100.5 or I got riggers again with no temperature we were to call the clinic to find out what we needed to do.

Luckily, my fever went down, I think it helped that I slept for most of the afternoon - waking up every hour to take my temperature.  By dinner I felt pretty good, I slept well and I felt good this morning.  Dad and I show up to clinic today and find out that I have a bacteria in my blood that they believe came from my hick man lines.  The antibiotics they gave me have done a good job but they want to be safe and remove my hick man.  This is a scary thought for me, my hick man is inserted above my right breast and has three lines that come out of it that are attached to a major vain in my chest.  This is how they draw all my blood and give me all my IV medicines or liquids.  As much as I hate it, it makes my life a lot easier because I don't have to get IV's put in by needle every time.  Eventually, they will give me a pic line in my arm which will only have two lines but it will be better than a hand IV.

Because they are taking the hick man out I have to check into the hospital for a couple of days.  The reason is they have to treat me with 24 hour antibiotics just in case the infection caused by the hick man is still in me.  It's a very common occurrence and considering I have had my hick man since October I've made it a while without any problems.  They don't seem to concerned since they caught it early.

Of course, this means I can't go to the Hunger Games tonight but I'll get to see it eventually.  The only good thing about this is I get to see my nurse buddies again.  Plus, it's good that they are treating this and the graph vs host disease quickly.  As much as I hate to go back in it will be nice to know I won't be in for long!  This is just all a part of healing, these things happen all the time to transplant patients.

In closing I must thank my awesome sister in law, Jenn, for the circus peanuts she sent me!  They taste awesome and make me feel like a kid again.  Thanks so much Jenn!  Well that's it for now I'll keep you up to date as we learn more.  Hope you all are happy and doing well.  Peace out from the clinic!

1 comment:

  1. Circus peanuts??? Yum! Now I want some too. How fun! Hope you heal quickly and can still enjoy your time with your dad. XO
