Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 43

It's back, my fabulous laptop is back!  The best part is we didn't have to pay a thing!  I only broke the ac adapter!  Finally, I can get back to blogging every day.  I felt so out of touch with everything.  Sure, I could use Eric's computer but I'm used to my laptop, I know exactly where everything is and the keys are familiar.  Anyway, I've been up and down the last week with both good days and bad.  Luckily, I've been in the excellent care of Eric and my Mom.  It's been so nice having Mom here, and it's even better to have her help with everything.  She keeps me company at the Clinic, even if I'm sleeping. She gets me everything I need and helps with the food and house work!  We are very blessed to have her come out and I'm very blessed that my Husband and Mom love and enjoy being around each other.

In health news, it's been interesting getting used to going to the Clinic every day - even Sunday! Some times it's not that bad, the shortest it can take is an hour, longer if I need more products, like blood or magnesium.  I chat with the Dr. or a Nurse Practitioner, they tell me my blood counts and other information from my daily blood draw.  Some times I just sleep, it's amazing how I can fall asleep so easily now.  I forget that I am on so many medicines that some may mix and make me feel kind of out of it, I guess that's why they won't let me drive.

Other than the annoyance of going to the Clinic daily, it's wonderful to be out of the hospital.  Mom and I just got back from a walk around the complex.  Actually, she just dropped me off and walked further.  It was so nice to get out, it was warm enough and it we just walked the side walk all around  the complex.  It's important for me to get out for a daily walk to build up my strength.  My first few days out of the hospital I could hardly walk, I had a tendency to fall.  Eric would get so mad at me for moving too quickly or not paying attention while standing up.  He gets so worried about me, but really takes good care of me.

I've discovered that I have quite a dark "chemo tan".  The skin on my trunk and legs has turned much darker and I have more freckles.  The doctor says that this skin will flake off and new skin will be revealed.  It's just like why I lost my hair, it turns unhealthy so it dies and falls out eventually new hair pushes the old dead hair out giving you new hair - which could be a different texture than before.  

My lungs are still tight and painful.  Not as bad as they were in the beginning, when they hurt all the time, now it's just when I breathe deep or become short of breathe.  They still don't know what is wrong with me but I have an appointment with Infectious Disease April 16th.  Maybe they will have some answers for me, although it is kind of cool baffling the doctors.  Besides all this I do feel better the only other thing to deal with is the occasional nausea or puking.  I just take things day by day and hope each day is going to be a good day.

Sorry for the extra long blog, I think I felt the need to make up for the lack of blogs recently.  Peace out my friends, it's good to be back.
Love from 302.

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