Friday, April 27, 2012

Day 58

Happy Friday everyone!  I'm feeling really good today but I still have to spend lots of time in the Clinic.  In fact, all weekend I'll be here, which is not fun but it's necessary.  Now I have a peripheral IV (through the vein on my hand or arm) which is not as strong as my hick man and it takes a whole lot longer to get medicines since I only have one IV line. Yesterday, Dad and I were here from 9:30 until 5:00!

Today, we started at 8:30 and we are hoping to be done in time to get over to the main hospital because I have a CT scan scheduled for 4:00.  I think we'll make it especially since they gave me a magnesium pill instead of IV today.  Yesterday, magnesium was my last IV, typically it just makes you warm but it hurt so bad going through my vein that they cut it off early.

My CT scan is to check my lungs, hopefully it will be clear, it shows a lot more than the chest x-ray.  I'm sure I'll have to meet with my Infectious Disease doctors soon for them to confirm that I'm okay. My lungs really feel good, I just have a little bit of an ache when I breathe deep.

My blood cultures revealed that I have two types of bacteria that they think came from my hick man so I'll be on extra medication for a few more days.  Which sucks since that means my Clinic time will be increased for awhile and the weather has been beautiful!  Such a shame to spend so much time inside. Plus, I still haven't had a chance to see the Hunger Games, but I'm just about finished re-reading the book - it's seriously that good!

Wow, I just talked to one of my doctors and she said there's a chance I could get my pick line inserted today.  A pick line goes in your arm and has two IV ports, which would make my treatment go faster and I wouldn't have to be pricked for a new IV every day!  Originally, they told me it might not be put in until at least Monday!  Say a little prayer that we'll get it in today!

I must thank my Dad for being a great care giver, he's had to see some gruesome stuff and spend a lot of time at the Clinic.  He told me it's hard to see me in so much pain, but he's been great at making sure I have everything I need to feel better.  I'm very blessed to have such a great family.

Well that's it for today, I hope your day is beautiful!  Much love from the Clinic.

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