Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday November 2nd, 2011

Well it's official, the bone marrow biopsy was taken just minutes ago and Jenn is feeling good.  Dr Miller did a fantastic job and allowed me to stay in the room during the procedure.  Jenn is unreal in regards to her pain threshold.  She barely winced during the entire procedure and considereing they take a hollow needle and twist it and twist it and twist it until it taps the hip bone to take a marrow sample; she really is nothing short of amazing!!

The doctor warned me that Jenn might wiggle and scream, but she just kept slowly breathing and made it through the procedure like it was a jagerbomb at the end of a good night out drinking... all in stride!  :)

We might get results today, but more than likely the results will come tomorrow morning when we see Dr Miller next.  He did mention if the results came back today by 5PM that he would stop over and tell us the news either way.

One small concern today was that a single blast showed up in Jenn's blood samples from yesterday and today, but Dr Miller said that could just be an early recovery blast and sometimes those are normal in Leukemics.  Either way, the bone marrow will tell us everything we need to know.  As long as the blasts in the marrow are low or zero, then Jenn is through phase one.  If there are a lot of blasts in the marrow, then we will be starting the second round of Chemo.

I have been reading up a lot lately on Chemo treatments and most of time a second round of Chemo is almost a certainty, so we are ready for the results either way.

Jenn did receive a book yesterday called "The Last Time I was Me" and whoever sent the book was not listed... So if you sent this great book can you please throw us a comment so we know who to thank; appreciate it!!

Jenn's room is now decorated in all of the cards and well wishes she has been receiving, they really make Jenn feel amazing and all of the nurses and staff love to see the wall of cards grow each day.  Thank you soooo much to everyone who has sent cards and gifts, we truly appreciate them all and someday hope to support you as much as you have supported us.  :)

Much Love from Room 4912!!


  1. that book is from erik and I, it was suppose to have a little note on it. That book had me roaring this summer, you will love it.

    FYI I did send one more thing from amazon that Jen absolutely had to have (in case they didn't put the note in again), you will see when you get it! xoxoxoxo Go Sabres!!!!

  2. YES! kelly let me borrow that book and it is AWESOME!!!! good thinking kel!

  3. Jenn, it was great to see you today, you are an inspiration! Much love from all the babies too (from afar...I'll keep their germs away!)

  4. Thanks Kelly and Erik, I can't wait to read it! I'll keep an eye out for something from amazon, you all spoil me!
