Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday November 18, 2011

Happy Friday!  It's a beautiful but cold day here in Charlotte, there's frost on the ground!  No more rain so perhaps I'll get out for a walk today.  I'm feeling really good, I get a little tired but that's nothing a nap can't fix.  It's hard to believe that only three days ago I was in the hospital.  Now, besides the Hickman port in my chest I feel normal, minus the ever growing bald spot on the back of my head.     

You never know when a doctor's appointment could turn into admission into the hospital with a cancer diagnosis.  Just like you never know when it will be your turn to get checked out of the hospital.  Life happens to us all, the only thing we really have control of is our reactions and emotions.  So even though it seems like we have no control really we do, it's up to us to turn whatever life throws at us into something good.  For me, AML has shown me how loved and supported I am, which means I'm never alone even when it feels like I am.  AML has taught me that life is fragile and should be appreciated every day.  This disease has brought my family closer in so many ways.

Today, I hope you all will have a moment when you can just breathe and appreciate your life.  Take all the good and bad and mix it together and be thankful for it all.  I know I am.

In closing, I must thank Mom & Mike for the wonderful care package we received yesterday!  The Boxer book, food bowls, leash, brush and toys will be perfect for Buster.  Thanks also for the wonderful relaxing candles and bath bubbles, I do love a good bath and now I have all that I need to enjoy a nice soak in the tub.

Much love from 6119.

1 comment:

  1. You make me cry. you are a very smart lady!!! thats why i like you so much!
