Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday November 28, 2011

Happy Monday everyone!  I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving Holiday, we sure did!  We loved having Eric's parents, Kathy & Chuck, in town we enjoyed great food, good company and lots of laughs.  Of course the holiday was even better given we got to spend some time with Buster.  I still can't get over how cute he is and know that he is going to bring great joy to our home.

I don't have much to report today, I'm feeling good and positive.  I'll check into the hospital Wednesday but it should be a quick stay plus, I should find out more about the bone marrow transplant.  In talking with my good friend Nadine, who happens to be an Oncologist I feel a lot better about the whole process, the transplant will really be the best way to rid myself of the cancer for good.  I'll have a long recovery process but it will be well worth the time.  Hopefully, my brother Tucker will be the donor; we both think it would be cool to share marrow and an immune system.  He's been such a great support during all of this, along with all my family and friends.  I'm so thankful for all of you and for each day as I know now more than ever, each day is a gift and I'm so blessed to have the life I have, cancer or not.

Hope you all have an excellent week!  Love from 6119.

1 comment:

  1. you have a gorgeous head! i didnt think your beautiful eyes could stand out more, but with all that pesky hair out of the way...they sure do SHINE! Congrats on picking out the cutest little fur-baby! we cant wait to meet him! i miss you lots and hope everything goes smooth wednesday....ill call you wed nite after you hopefully get settled in♥
