Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thursday November 3rd, 2011


We just found out that Jenn's bone marrow looks "clean" per Dr Miller's analysis and the lab results.  :)

Now while this is positive news, they did see some blasts in the marrow, but they appear to be recovery blasts and not the Leukemic blasts at all.  So at this point, Jenn will be in the hospital for another 2 weeks or so just to ensure that she is strong enough to go home.

There will still be another bone marrow biopsy (Jenn's least favorite and most painful procedure) before she goes home to officially declare this cancer in remission.  Jenn will also need another short round of Chemo once she goes home, but the next round is only 5 days and is always part of the out patient therapy for Leukemia.  We are sooo excited and quite relieved, but we also know that this road is still long and that home therapy will last 5-6 months with weekly check-ups, etc.

Wow, did I tell everyone that Jenn's bone marrow looks clean!!!  :) :) :)  I still cannot believe it and I am so happy that they were able to catch this in one treatment so far!!! YIPPEE!!

We will also be waiting for the genetic testing to come back as well, once those results are received they will be able to determine if Jenn needs the bone marrow transplant or not.  Tucker, we haven't heard the results yet from your test for a match, but we hope to get those by the early next week.

Jenn asked Dr Miller if she can have a glass of Champagne, he just laughed and failed to give a response... So I am going to get some sparkling champagne today and have a little non alcoholic celebration with Jenn this afternoon.

Keep Jenn is your prayers as we are not totally out of the woods by any means, but this was basically the best news we could have hoped to receive and we are very happy for that!!

Lots of Love from Room 4912!!


  1. Eric - Great to hear that kind of news, and I'm sure it brings great relief to you and your wife. Not sure where you are with faith, but as a believer, I can tell you that prayer is one of the most powerful things that we have in our lives - don't forget its source.

    Your friend -

  2. Awesome news guys...can't imagine the relief - be assured of my friends' and my personal thoughts each day, we'll keep the prayers coming from Manhattan, KS - God is great! Take care!

  3. living proof that the power of prayer, and positive thinking really go a long way! you are a miracle to all of us jenn! we love you!

  4. YAY!! Go Jenn!! I'm so excited for you!
