Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day whatever....

I'm back, did you miss me?  Honestly, I kind of forgot about writing the blog while I was on vacation.  We were in Buffalo for the 4th of July.  It was great to see our family and friends and escape the hundred degree weather in Charlotte.  Ironically, it was hot in Buffalo nearing 90!  This was my first trip since the bone marrow transplant.  It was good to get out of Charlotte and visit some of my old hang outs.  I did have a little trouble with my stomach while I was there.  I've struggled for awhile now but according to my cancer friends this is all part of the routine when you've had super strong chemo.  One source told me it took two years after treatment for all the side effects to go away.  So I'll deal with my puking and stomach issues and be happy to be alive.

Today, I'm heading up to Duke to see Dr. Horwitz and company.  My appointment isn't until two which is awesome because I need to get the house cleaned up.  First, Buster is coming home for a visit today.  I'm not sure if I wrote about this but Buster is at Doggy Camp / Obedience school, at a place called the Dog Wizard.  He comes home officially on Saturday but today they do a test run without us home to make sure he still follows the commands he has learned at home.  The Dog Wizard has been keeping me updated and Buster is doing awesome, he's the perfect student.  So when he returns I'm going to have Super Buster!  I'll spare you the details, as some people think I write to much about Buster on the blog.  :)  I can't help it, he's my baby!

In other news, I must give a HUGE THANK YOU to Pam, Jim, Alice & Bob for treating Eric and I to dinner!  They sent us a beautiful card painted with trees (my favorite) along with some $$ to go out to dinner.  So nice, we really appreciated your thoughtfulness and generosity.

Another HUGE THANK YOU goes out to my girl Kristina Acuna, otherwise known as K-Dogg!  Kristina sent me the most beautiful scarf.  It's perfect for summer and as I've mentioned before Kristina has excellent taste.  So thanks girl I love it!

Sorry for the delayed thank you's.  We didn't get home until late Sunday and I was pretty sick on Monday and Tuesday.  I actually slept most of the day on Tuesday, waking up to puke or visit the bathroom.  I never knew you could puke without anything in your stomach.  I was actually puking up stomach bile.  Nice, sorry if that is too much info.

Well that's it for today, better finish up my cleaning tasks!  Hope you all are well and happy.  It's good to be back on the blog.  Much love from 6119.

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