Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 96

Buster is home!  He is being such a great dog, he just keeps sniffing everything in the house.  He now has free reign, when he was a puppy he was confined to the kitchen.  So far we haven't had any accidents.  It's so nice to have him home and I think he's happy to be home too.  He did really well on the drive back, I didn't have any problems.  We went to Pet Smart and he got a bath and his toe nails clipped.  We stopped twice for a pee and he did really well both times.  I'm amazed at how well behaved he has been.

Even in the house he goes all around but hasn't messed anything up.  It's raining out so we'll have to wait on the walk.  Hopefully, it clears up some time today.  I'll have to work on getting a good picture of him.  I posted a few on Facebook but I need to get my real camera out and take some of him at home.  He is so big but just as handsome.

Other than Buster coming home life has been pretty uneventful.  I'm still feeling good but still have the annoying mouth issues, bad taste and texture that makes everything taste weird.  In the discharge class which I attended yesterday, I learned that this might continue for awhile.  The chemo effects last the longest of any other drug.  Also some of the medications I'm on may be adding to the mouth problems.  They cut out three of my medicines but I still take about 10 pills twice a day.

Tomorrow, I will visit Dr. Miller, he will be doing my weekly check ups.  At least I think it will be weekly, I guess I'll find out.  I'm looking forward to seeing Miller and his nurse Anastasia, they have been really good to me.  Plus, maybe I'll see my old friend Norm.  At least I'll find out how he is doing, hopefully he is in remission by now.

Wow, it's hard to believe I've come this far.  I've been really blessed as everything I've gone through has been under a year.  Some people don't finish treatment so easily and quickly.  I had terrific doctors who caught my disease early and moved quickly to treat me.  I'll miss my doctors and definitely my nurses.  I got to say goodbye to my favorite nurse at the clinic, Kim, she hugged me forever!  Then I was lucky enough to see Dr. Long, who took care of me in the hospital.  I hugged him, he was my favorite doctor because I saw him every day and he kind of reminded me of my grandpa, who I adore.

Well Buster is passed out under the coffee table in front of me, this seems to be his favorite place.  Now I can get some work done, until he wakes up.  Otherwise, I find myself just walking behind him making sure he doesn't get into any trouble.  I hope you all have a great day, I know I will now that my buddy is back home.  Peace out from 6119.

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