Saturday, October 22, 2011

Saturday October 22nd, 2011

Oh happy days!  (This is what Jenn must be singing in her head today)

Jenn had her haircut thanks to Holly Zieziula and her stylist Carmen, they came this morning and gave Jenn a beautiful pixie cut.  We have pics and as soon as I can get them posted on here I will.

Jenn's doctor said she is doing very well except for the GI infection that she has.  But that will just run it's course according to the doctor and be done with.  In the meantime anyone from the nursing staff that enters the room has to put on what I can only refer to as a chemical suit that is banana yellow in color and quite comical.  They all look like mini Stay Puff men from Ghost Busters...

Jenn took a good walk this morning around the floor with me and it was very nice.

The Chemo treatments stop on Monday, so please pray for Jenn to stay strong as the next week or two are when this all starts to get intense.  The hair loss and weakness will start, but that only means that the Chemo is working and killing all of these nasty cells in her body.

We had the Williams visit last night from AAA Collectibles here in Charlotte and we then went out for a few beers to celebrate my B-day.  I actually ran into some parents of a girl that I graduated with from H.S. so that was very cool.  (Ok, back to Jenn's status)

She is really chipper today and is walking all around the room, getting really excited to take a shower here shortly.

Other than that, Jenn would say "I am hanging strong and hate diarrhea" (These are her words, not mine)  :)

Lots of Love from Room 4912!!


  1. Happy belated EP. Jenn , you will love the Larson books , good stuff. We are thinking of you both. go Sabres!

  2. im sending extra undies! ask the nurses for some a&d ointment for the bum rash...or desitin! will really HELP! hang in there girl, its just the sickness leaving your body! cant wait to see pictures!

  3. Thinking of you Jenn! Stay strong. I can't wait to celebrate with you when you win this battle! By the way, I bet you are rocking the pixie cut :)
    Can't wait for some photos!

    Love Melissa

  4. Can't wait to see the pics, I bet you look amazing! I hate diarrhea too! :)

  5. How long will she be at the hospital Eric? Just wondering as far as mailing things to her. Also, is she still a good ol' paperback reader or does she have a Kindle-ish type reader? Thanks again for doing this every day. I look forward to hearing how she is doing and hearing the optimism coming from both of you. Sending more love your way.
